Ladies and gentlemen it's time, once again, for our masked avenger, wrestlemaniac and super powered reviewer DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process.

As you no doubt know, DiRT has already cast his expert gaze over Luminary, and we urge you to check it out, but in the spirit of Luminary Week he has taken something of a departure and revisited that very episode again responding to the comments you guys posted before and bringing a fresh opinion to the table.

Luminary exemplifies what Season Two of Millennium sought to achieve. Glen Morgan and James Wong were passionate in their belief that Millennium had room to grow and flourish and were urged to tinker with the format by 20th Century Fox in light of declining ratings. They set about reshaping the original vision in the hope of adding an further dimension to an already exemplary show. Over the years the fans have found much to enjoy in each of the seasons, all with their differing flavours, and as DiRT looks once again at Luminary we also want to know what you guys think of the season as a whole. The Old Man, Lara Means, Roedecker, Owls, Roosters, Marburg and much, much more....anyhow, Luminary redux: here's what he made of it.

So is he right or is he wrong? Tell us your opinion of this oft debated epsiode and it's season and don't hold back, we're big fans, we can take it.

As always, every new video we add to Youtube, or is added to Youtube for us, reaches out to a whole new audience and may find a Millennium who never knew of our campaign in the process. Don't forget, keep sending those letters and postcards to Mr. Steve Asbell. Frank's Army Fights on!

As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.

Mark x

  • To visit his website and enjoy the numerous things he has on offer, click here!
  • To check out his Youtube channel and view more reviews from the man himself, visit here!

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