Avatarvision proudly presents: One Hour Doomsday Defense!

Time, once again, for W*****Wednesday™ (well we have to take a break from MusicMonday every now and again) and our jaunt into the world of Millennium Music Montages. Josef has forgone sleep (and you think I'm joking) to beaver away, Avatar-style, to bring you his latest multimedia release and we are truly grateful to him.

Josef takes the time to make these videos because he feels as passionately as we do about bringing Millennium back and anyone who frequents Youtube will know how much support and interest he is enjoying because of it and how many people have discovered us through his work.

'Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense' - where do you start? Darin Morgan is without a doubt a genius. His contributions to Millennium and our sister franchise, the X-Files are rightly heralded as some of the finest outings of both fr
anchises and who are we to argue the masses? Take Darin Morgan, add a pinch of Josef's ingenuity and the following is the result. Grab your popcorn, plug in your Onan-O-Graphs and enjoy the proceedings. Remember: Don't be Dark!

As always, we thank our resident video alchemist J
osef for taking this campaign and continuing to plug it in the vast abyss that is Youtube and we hope you will feel in some way inspired to follow in his footsteps and donate a little video magic of your own.

Now Josef's is a good chap and he relishes the opportunity to hear what you guys think about his work so don't be shy - post away. He regularly spends time hooked up to his own Onan-O-Graph so I can assure you he is very upbeat and not a Nostradamus Nutball at all!

As promised, each music new release from Josef will be accompanied by a postcard that we urge you to send to Steve Asbell at 20th Century Fox. Making 20th Century Fox aware that we are here to stay and active in our support of a Millennium Movie is a vital way you can help this campaign achieve its ends. With am eager cast and crew and the financial support for a film currently being discussed they are the only fly in the soup with regards making this happen. Do not let up the fight. Stand loud and proud and send one more postcard.
To see the address you need to send this to as well as a range of others you might like to send, click here!
To visit Josef's Youtube page and check out his own collection of videos, click here!

To check out his myspace page and listen to some of his original compositions, click here!

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