Coming Soon: Paradox

Paradox is a five-part sci-fi drama headed for BBC1 in November, starring Tamzin Outhwaite (The Fixer) as DI Rebecca Flint and Emun Elliot (Feel The Force) as Dr. Christian King, a scientist who receives strange images from space that predict a disaster they have 18 hours to prevent...

Created by Lizzie Mickery (Messiah, The State Within), Paradox sounds like 24-meets-FlashForward to me. But unlike those shows, it's telling a complete story in a brisk five episodes, so there should be fewer issues with pace. I'm assuming a new batch of images will also beam down in the finale, to set up a sequel if Paradox proves a hit with audiences.

There was a time when a new British sci-fi series would have me readying myself for disappointment*, but these days it's a very different story. Torchwood, Doctor Who, Life On Mars, Primeval (at a pinch), all show that UK sci-fi is on good form, and while Paradox's premise doesn't sound that original ("can you change the future?" issues are passé now), it sounds promising. As there are only five episodes (will the Beeb show them daily, a la Children Of Earth?), I'm expecting more cohesion and plotting than you tend to find in US equivalents, too. American shows always have to withhold information and find ways to keep their concepts going over years if possible -- which can work if done well (Lost), but is a dangerous game.

Paradox will be directed by Simon Cellan (Generation Kill) and Omah Madha (Law & Order UK). You can read more details and peruse some quotes from the crew at the BBC press office.

* I'm thinking primarily of dire '90s output like Crime Traveller and The Vanishing Man, which both took hoary old sci-fi chestnuts and retold them in a bland way.

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