DEXTER 4.5 - "Dirty Harry"

[SPOILERS] This episode came within an inch of a four-star rating, but there was something about it that denied it that acclaim. Maybe it's my uncertainty over the surprise decision to kill Lundy (a great character arc denied for a quick shock?), or the fact this episode played out fairly predictably, when all's said and done. But it was still enjoyable, and there were a handful of moments that were series highlights, particularly coming from Jennifer Carpenter.

Lundy has been murdered and Debra badly wounded, but while the cops believe the Vacation Killer is to blame because the circumstances match his m.o, Dexter (Michael C. Hall) isn't convinced. Instead, he theorizes that Lundy was getting dangerously close to the Trinity Killer (John Lithgow) and was duly murdered as a result, with Trinity pinning the blame on the city's other resident evil. This nicely split the narrative: the likes of Quinn (Desmond Harrington) and Angel (David Zayas) essentially chase the wrong felon, but still managed to cough up a worthwhile result after Angel feeds reporter Christine (Courtney Ford) false info to draw the Vacation Killer out; and Dexter feels a desire for revenge because Trinity's hurt someone close to him, so he begins parallel investigation in secret, using Lundy's cassette tapes to guide him...

There was some great work from Jennifer Carpenter this week, as she grieves the death of Lundy, blamed herself, pushed everyone close to her away (including dumping boyfriend Anton) and her raw emotions eventually lead to a fine moment at the scene of Lundy's murder, joined by her brother. Carpenter was genuinely heartrending as she confided in Dex that she thinks she's "broken" and to blame for all the bad things that befalls her family and friends. Her meltdown was even enough for Dexter to suggest he's the one who's broken, but his quiet admission didn't strike a chord in Deb (as her sibling appears to have the perfect family life) -- but the suggestion that Dex was about to unburden his guilt on her, by telling his sister the terrible truth of his existence to make her feel comparatively well-adjusted, was handled well. Both actors did a great job in this moving scene.

The highlight of "Dirty Harry" was seeing Dex piece together clues to predict where Trinity will next bludgeon a man to death. Once again, the episode was interspersed with creepy scenes of Trinity going about his daily life, preparing for his kill by questioning a hotel security guard about his routine and buying his choice murder weapon (a hammer) from a hardware store. Coming relatively early in the season, it was a surprise to see Dex get so close to capturing Trinity, as he arrived at the correct hotel and saw Trinity in the midst of a kill on the security cameras.

Indeed, Dex saw Trinity's actual face on a monitor and, while unable to prevent Trinity completing his three-kill ritual, he even managed to tail Lundy's killer through the city streets as he returned home from his misdemeanor. And, somewhat expectedly, Dex was amazed to discover that supposed loner Trinity actually lives in a quiet suburb with a beautiful wife and kids -- essentially making him a disturbing echo of himself, albeit an older version who's found a way to successfully camouflage his true self and move unnoticed through society for three decades.

Considering the fact we're not even halfway through the season and Dex already knows Trinity's identity and address, I'm going to assume he'll put his desire for revenge on hold and try to see what makes Trinity tick. As this season's focus is on seeing if Dexter can juggle family and his "dark passenger", I think it's very likely Dex will befriend Trinity in an effort to understand and learn from him... before exacting revenge for Lundy and Deb when he's served his purpose. In season 3, Dex became a mentor for the morally ambiguous Miguel Prado, but maybe this season it's Dexter's turn to become the protégé of a superior killer? But will someone like Trinity be open to the idea of passing on his wisdom to a kindred spirit, or is he far too cautious to risk the complication of an apprentice?

Overall, "Dirty Harry" was again very enjoyable and definitely above the irresolute standard of season 3. It still lacks the raw edge of season 1 and the compelling drive of season 2, but things are developing rather nicely and I'm glad the relatively bland subplots aren't overshadowing things. Angel and LaGuerta's (Lauren Vélez) romance was made public knowledge, prompting Captain Matthews to promote Angel out of homicide, and that's at least interesting fallout from their relationship. Rita (Julie Benz) also discovered that Dex has kept his bachelor pad (where he still keeps his knives, saws and blood slide trophies), and his lying now threatens their marriage.

Did this one meet with your approval?

25 October 2009
Showtime, 9/8c

written by: Tim Schlattmann directed by: Keith Gordon starring: Michael C. Hall (Dexter Morgan), Julie Benz (Rita Bennett), Jennifer Carpenter (Debra Morgan), Desmond Harrington (Det. Joey Quinn), Lauren Vélez (Lt. Maria Laguerta), David Zayas (Sgt. Angel Batista), James Remar (Harry Morgan), Preston Bailey (Cody), Courtney Ford (Christine Hill), John Lithgow (Arthur Mitchell), Olivia Burnette (Pam), Julia Campbell (Sally Simmons), Ryan Christiansen (Officer Hanson), Brando Eaton (Jonah Mitchell), Asante Jones (Officer Reece), Jeff Leaf (Clerk) & Vanessa Marano (Rebecca Simmons)

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