We know that you good people are enjoying the efforts of the people behind this campaign and we cannot thank you enough for the kind words you have shared with us. Every comment and every email really brings it home to us how many passionate fans there are around the world who wait, worry and care about the return of Frank Black. Delighted though we are, if you've written to us but you haven't written to 20th Century Fox then we aren't doing our job right!

Whilst writing to us is greatly appreciated, writing to 20th Century Fox is what really, really matters. No amount of blog posts, interviews or general madcap ideas that we come up with will bring Frank back to the screens and that's why we need you all so badly.

Richard has been an undoubted asset to this campaign, as have you all, and sending a postcard or a legion of them, as he has is the single most important thing you can do. It need not be The Gettysburg Address, a few impassioned lines will be enough to get the message across to those that matter. If you're not in the mood for writing, send a Polaroid with the website's address on the reverse, a quick, easy and fuss free way to achieve the same end.

To Richard and every other supporter of our efforts who has sent a postcard to Fox I am indebted to you. I hope the impassioned support and efforts of people like Richard will inspire you all to follow suit and print out a few postcards, scribble a few words and deliver them to Mr. Steve Asbell at 20th Century Fox.

To join the cause you can now print out an updated pack of postcards, with an address included, by clicking the envelope icon below.

Just one postcard can make all the difference and that postcard could be yours.

Mark x

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