Happy Halloween dear friends and may the season be full of tricks and treats for each and every one you! What better way to celebrate Halloween than to turn our attention to one of the most celebrated episodes of our beloved franchise, "The Curse of Frank Black", with a week of themed happenings dedicated to Glen Morgan's finest creation. Something wicked this way comes....

To launch event, movie director and campaign supporter Brett Hart put his team to work creating a trailer that we could use to help publicise the event and ourselves in the process. Brett Hart should need no introduction to you all, his film Bone Dry (starring Lance Henriksen) is heralded as one of the true greats of Lance's memorable career to date and his support of this campaign has been unswerving. In the last few weeks he has been the subject of considerable speculation that he is to helm a potential Millennium Movie Project and though he is as much in the dark as we are about such speculation he remains a confirmed admirer of Chris Carter's vision and of Millennium. Sit back, and enjoy the show.....

Now here's where you come in. Brett has kindly allowed us to share this trailer with you as a download in the hope that you will join us in spreading the word about BackToFrankBlack and The Curse of Frank Black Week. Download the movie by clicking Frank's Jack-O-Lantern below and upload it to your Youtube profiles, social networking profiles, video hosting sites: anywhere you can put a video put one. Join Frank's Army and help us spread the word this Halloween.

Mark x

Here's hoping you will enjoy the rest of the week, stay around for a few surprises, but join with us for the first push. You can all make a difference and in such a simple way. Happy Halloween folks!

In addition to Brett Hart (Editor), BackToFrankBlack would like to thank Chuck Taylor (Motion Graphics), Johnathan Stapleton (Assistant Editor) and Liz Rodriguez (Mr. Hartt's Publicist) for making this trailer possible and for continuing to support us and Millennium. You guys are the best.

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