Here's DiRT's Thing: Force Majeure
Ladies and gentlemen it's time, once again, for our masked avenger, wrestlemaniac and super powered reviewer DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process. This time it's Force Majeure as DiRT wanted to pay homage to one of his favourite genre stars, Brad Dourif, as we enter the Halloween season. Something wicked this way comes......
Force Majeure is something of a mind bender, with many fans proclaiming confusion as to what it was all about, and it is certainly one which provokes debate. A man in an iron lung, a bevy of blue eyed girls and a planetary alignment heralding the apocalypse: this was Millennium dipping its toes in the waters of Season Two for the first time. Confused as to why the girls killed themselves, wondering if the narrative was peppered with too many ideas but spellbound by Dourif as Hoffman? Well you're not alone but let's have a look what DiRT thought of it. Grab the popcorn guys....
As always, every new video we add to Youtube, or is added to Youtube for us, reaches out to a whole new audience and may find a Millennium who never knew of our campaign in the process. Don't forget, keep sending those letters and postcards to Mr. Steve Asbell.
As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.