Poll Result: Your Favourite Pixar Movie

There was a fantastic reponse to my poll last week, with 167 people voting for their favourite Pixar movie. The results are above in a pie-chart, but let's break it down in reverse order below:

9. A Bug's Life
Only 3% voted for this early insect animation. I'm not surprised it's so low, but is it really the worst?

8. Cars
Most people consider Cars to be Pixar's biggest mistake, and only 4% think it's Pixar's finest. Mind you, I've heard it's really not as bad as you're expecting. But, to date, Cars is the only Pixar movie I haven't seen (ignoring Up, which I fully intend to watch...)

7. Up
Speaking of which, Pixar's latest comes disappointingly low. Just 5% of you think it's the company's best work, but I'm going to assume most people just haven't seen it. It was only just released in the UK a week ago, so while I do have a lot of American visitors, it perhaps isn't hogging DVD players in households yet.

6. Toy Story 2
Another mild surprise was how low Toy Story 2 came in, particularly as it's widely considered superior to the '95 original (but more about its predecessor later...) 6% of you say it's your favourite.

6. Ratatouille
In joint-sixth place is the often overlooked Ratatouille, which I never hear talked about that often. I think that's because it doesn't really stand-up to repeated play, as it's mostly a one-watch deal. Again, just 6% of you consider it a favourite.

5. Finding Nemo
A few years ago this would have been much higher, but it's a film that's been bettered since it opened. 11% of you have taken this to your hearts, however.

4. Monster's, Inc.
I think this movie gets better with age, actually. 12% of you agree, and it's certainly one of my favourites. The imagination of the climax is a thing of beauty.

3. The Incredibles
In third place was my personal pick, Brad Bird's superhero action spectacular. 14% of the voters rank this the highest, which I'm in full agreement with.

In second, narrowly missing out on the top spot, was the recent WALL-E. 18% of you believe this is Pixar's greatest achievement, which I'm certainly not going to quibble about. I even loved the second-half, which most people believe is inferior. It is, but not to a ruinous degree.

1. Toy Story
The winner was the movie that started it all back in 1995. The 22% majority voted this their favourite, even beating its own sequel (which is famously considered better than the original). But I wasn't asking "which is the best Pixar movie?", I wanted to know your favourite, and there is a difference. Toy Story has obviously been spun in DVD players the longest and was most likely people's first step into the world of CGI animation, so it holds a special place in most people's hearts.

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