Postcards From The Edge!

As I've no doubt said, ad infinitum, we couldn't do without you guys and last week allowed us the perfect opportunity to encourage everyone to join the campaign by sending a series of postcards to 20th Century Fox. It is always encouraging to know that we have supporters who feel as passionately as we do and will go that extra mile and rally to the cause.

My thanks to everyone who wrote in and told us they had mailed postcards to 20th Century Fox, I appreciate each and every one of you and please keep up the good work. As you no doubt know, this campaign has been active for very nearly a year and with no news to report, as of yet, it is imperative we don't lose faith, hold fast our resolve and double our efforts. Let's use our second year to ensure we Bring Back Frank Black: that's what we are here for when all said and done.
Additional thanks to Josef and to John for sending photographs of their completed postcards and I encourage each and every one of you to do the same and follow Josef's lead in the process and send them to Frank Spotnitz as well. It doesn't hurt to demonstrate to those that care about the franchise that we are still very active in our efforts to see it return.

Mark x

  • To read more about the postcard drive and to see a number of postcards we hope you will considering sending to 20th Century Fox, click here!

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