Operation Fox: Frank's Army Continues To March!

Well you haven't lost any of your enthusiasm yet, and I am grateful to you for that, as more and more people come forward to say that they are supporting Operation Fox as part of Frank Black's Army. We often receive emails asking us how people can better support the campaign and let me tell you there is no better way to support us than by sending letters, postcards and polaroids to 20th Century Fox. It is the only chance we have of bringing Frank Black back. So, before you sit down to write to us, write to them. Make a difference eh?

And here's one individual doing just that and she shouldn't need any introduction to you. Laura of Spooktalkular.com, along with her husband Frank, was one of the earliest supporters this campaign found. It seems so long ago that I wrote to them both, and probably is, and they have never wavered in their support and we are indebted to them. So, here she is about to send her letter to Fox on behalf of Frank's Army.

To join the cause you can now print out a pack of postcards, with an address included, by clicking the envelope icon below.

Just one postcard can make all the difference and that postcard could be yours.

Mark x

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