Doctor Who, Actually

Writer-director Richard Curtis has been asked to write an episode of Doctor Who, when the show returns for a fifth series under the leadership of Steven Moffat.

"There will be a monster. And a famous historical figure will battle the monster. It's tremendously good fun and a treat for my children. These days the things you can watch together as a family are much fewer so when you get something like Doctor Who or The X Factor it is such a pleasure to sit down as a family."

"I am very interested in time travel for some reason or other. I am writing a film about it but on a low budget with no spectacular special effects. Maybe it's a desire to get out of being old. Sometimes you do just love the idea that you could go back in time and change things."
Curtis became a notable writing talent in British television thanks to sitcoms like Blackadder, Mr. Bean and The Vicar Of Dibley, before developing a successful movie career with romantic comedies likes Four Weddings & A Funeral, Notting Hill and Love, Actually.

What does everyone think about his appointment? And will we ever see those rumoured episodes from other celebs, like Stephen Fry and Neil Gaiman?

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