Calendar Girl - Letters from Tuesday!

Since her very first role as Tuesday in the Pilot, Kate Luyben has bagged numerous roles in film and television, often appearing alongside some of Hollywood's biggest stars. Her credits include "Two and a Half Men", "Dead in the Water", "Criminal Minds", "Arrested Development", "The 40 Year Old Virgin", "Bad News Bears", "Dark Angel", "Shanghai Noon" and "Dead Man's Gun" and of course her returning role in Millennium as Eva O'Malley/Marta Danbury in ...Thirteen Years Later, to name but a few. Kate took time from her busy schedule to write to me and kindly agreed to let me share her correspondence with you all. No better time than Tuesday to hear from Tuesday methinks.

Mark x

Click on Kate's images and words to open them in a new window at a larger resolution!

Kate will be viewing this Blog in the next few days so, as always, if you have any words or comments you would like to share with her please do. The more the merrier!

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