Just For Fun: Choose The Theme Of Our Next Themed Week!

We were absolutely delighted by the overwhelmingly positive response to Lucy Butler Week and it's my intention that we will do something similar in the not too distant future. Now our very dear friend, Laura, suggested it might be nice to let you guys choose the next theme and who am I to argue? She's too spooky to argue with after all.

After a trawl through the polls at TIWWA I came up with small list of those episodes that most regularly top the polls due to their approval rating with fans. The list is no means definitive, and subject to change, but we had to start somewhere, right?

Some fan-loved episodes had to be excluded due to their significant coverage here already or because there are plans to touch on them in the near future so I hope there's something for everyone in the choices here present. Remember, it's just for fun but you have until Wednesday 16th September to cast that all important vote and put yourself in the driving seat at BackToFrankBlack! Get voting!

Mark x

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