Lance Henriksen in Godkiller: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW!

Set in the future after an economic collapse, a nuclear holy war and an alien invasion, Godkiller: Walk Among Us follows orphan Tommy as he searches for a new heart for his ill sister, Lucy. Staring Lance Henriksen, Bill Moseley and Tiffany Shepis and originally adapted from a Graphic Novel of the same name, Matt Pizzolo developed the concept of an illustrated film with his producing partner Brian Giberson, mixing elements of anime, radio drama, video games, and motion comics.

Due to overwhelming retail demand far beyond studio expectations, the first episodic DVD's release date has been delayed a week until October 6. In order to bring you as much info from the world of Lance Henriksen, I had the opportunity to speak to artist behind this project, Anna Muckcracker. I thank Anna for speaking to me despite her busy schedule.

MARK HAYDEN: For any of our readers who are unfamiliar with Godkiller, how would you describe the project and could you explain the difference between standard animation and a motion comic?

ANNA MUCKCRACKER: To be honest, when I was just starting to work on Godkiller, I didn’t have a clue at all what form it would be published in. Back then I was convinced it would simply be a comic. I’m aware that a moving comic is an unusual solution. It doesn’t really differ from the traditional form of a comic. Drawing Godkiller, I’m learning all the time and I’m very much interested how it will look like in the final version.

MH: How did you find the transition from static art to motion art? Has this been an easy project for you to be involved in or one which has caused its fair share of learning curves?

AM: I’m afraid I can’t tell you much about it because I’m not taking care of the animating process. Matt, the author of the script, gave me a good deal of freedom in framing the shots and leading his story. My part of the work is to create the pages of the comic. I’m actually very surprised seeing Godkiller in motion (I might add that it is a positive surprise.)

MH: A number of Lance's supporters have checked out the online comics and the Godkiller trailer and really love your style. Could you explain who and what influences your art and what tools you use to achieve such stunning results?

AM: I’m very pleased to hear that, it definitely motivates me in further work. I’m a 4th year student of the Academy of Fine Arts and I know I still lack some skill, which unfortunately will be visible in the graphic structure of the whole story. That’s why I try to discuss Godkiller on the Academy courses. I was lucky enough to get Professor Tomasz Jura as my tutor. In Poland Professor Jura is an authority in the field of illustration and posters.

I work with a pencil and then I edit everything it in a graphic program. I think I won’t be able to state here all the artists that inspire me but I can say that I’m trying to find inspiration everywhere I can. I’m a big fan of Dir en Grey band and I think that a lot of energy to work and strength to keep trying is derived from their music.

MH: I read a recent promotional piece regarding the project that stated Halo-8 intends to release limited-edition, serialized, short-form DVDs through the spring and summer before releasing the full-length feature theatrically in the fall of 2009. Is this still the plan as summer is nearly upon us?

AM: I have no idea. Marketing is something alien for me.

MH: There a number of notable actors on this project, such as Tiffany Shepis, Danielle Harris, and Bill Moseley but the one of most interest to us is Lance Henriksen. Have you had the pleasure of meeting him?

AM: Unfortunately, I haven’t had any occasions to meet him, but who knows? Talking about the cast it’s a series of absolutely positive surprises. I have to admit I admire Bill Mosley and when I found out that he would be dubbing Godkiller I was slightly shocked.

MH: When you drew the characters from Godkiller, you must have formed an idea in your head of what these characters sounded like. Is Lance's voice anything near to that which you had imagined and, since hearing his work, has it brought the characters to life even more than before?

AM: I really wasn’t thinking about it when I was drawing the characters but I remember that in the moment when I first heard Lance Henriksen in the trailer, I thought ‘WOW!’. I think he gave an amazing depth and personality to Mulciber’s character. Still drawing Godkiller I think that I changed a bit the way in which I view this character. I look at it through the prism of Lance’s voice.

MH: When Godkiller is released, do you expect there to be a noticable interest in your work and are you prepared for being in the spotlight on such a large scale?

AM: I don’t quite imagine that (LOL).

MH: Once Godkiller is over what projects do you have lined up for the future?

AM: The following year will be the last year of my studies and I have to create final diploma work. I plan to give the most from myself to create something really good. I hope I will manage to do that.

MH: Once again, many thanks for taking the time to talk to us and all the very best for the future!

AM: Thank you as well. I would like to send my best regards to all who got interested in Godkiller ^^

  • For more trailers and images from Godkiller please click here!
  • To place an advanced order for Godkiller please click here!
  • Additional thanks to my good friend Tim for translating the interview from English to Polish and back again, much appreciated.

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