Here's Dirt's Thing - Maranatha Video Review!

Ladies and gentlemen it's time, once again, for our masked avenger, wrestlemaniac and super powered reviewer DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process. This time it's Maranatha and Frank Black's battle with a Russian Antichrist.

In Maranatha, Frank Black and Peter Watts investigate a series of brutal killings in the Brighton Beach Russian community of New York City. The shotgun slayings seem to be the work of mysterious Russian diplomat Sergei Stepanovich, a man recognized by the local immigrants as Yaponchik, a mythical Russian figure destined by prophecy to be revealed as the Antichrist. Now it might just be me but Yaponchik could well be a near rival for Lucy Butler as one of Frank's most chilling adversaries.

To my mind, Maranatha had the feel of a gothic melodrama with few spoons of Russian religious thinking mixed with global unease about nuclear power but you're not here to listen to me right? So grab a Vodka, a dish of Soleniye Ogurscy and settle back for more from the man with the mask.....

Is he right or wrong? What do you think of Maranatha? Did Chip write his Millennium magnum opus way back in season one or was his later attempts much better. And what about Lance, great acting or do better next time? Whatever your opinion about this episode and this review we want to hear about it.

As always, every new video we add to Youtube, or is added to Youtube for us, reaches out to a whole new audience and may find a Millennium who never knew of our campaign in the process. Don't forget, keep sending those letters and postcards to Mr. Steve Asbell.

As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.

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