One of the true joys of working on this campaign has been making friends and allies over the last thirteen months. It is without doubt you good people who have helped us to make this campaign the success it is and every postcard you send, blog article you write or link you share can, and does, make all the difference.

Allow me to introduce you to Alison and her fine website, If, like me, you are a lover of all things horror and paranormal then Alison's website is a must during your daily trawl of the web. I have very easily lost an hour or so there myself as there is just so much to enjoy: videos, reviews, competitions and news and links galore - she caters for the horror aficiandados out there perfectly.

What's more, Alison has brought this campaign to the attention of her readers on a number of occasions, supporting not only our postcard drive but our recent week dedicated to all thinks 'The Curse of Frank Black'.

Please do pay her a visit and take it from me you will enjoy every minute you spend there and join with me in thanking Alison for her constant support and encouragement and for getting word of this campaign out there to the people that really matter. You guys. In a last minute addition to our plans, Alison has very kindly agreed to be the guest star of our forthcoming podcast. Check it out guys and enjoy the show!

That is who we are!


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