Competition: Win a copy of MOON!

It's competition time here at Dan's Media Digest. To celebrate the UK release of sci-fi mystery MOON on 16 November, I have one copy to give away to a lucky reader, on DVD or Blu-ray...

To enter this contest, just tell me (in no more than 69 words):

What would be the best thing about living on the Moon?
Send your entries to my inbox here (not in the comments section below.) You can make your suggestion funny, insightful, pragmatic, ridiculous, or whatever you want. It just has to capture my attention in some way.

Your e-mail must reach me by Tuesday 10 November @6pm GMT. This competition is only open to residents of the UK & Ireland who are at least 15 years old. I will personally select the winner, notify them with instructions about how to receive their disc (and in which format), and let everyone else know the result soonafter.

Warning: I'll be word-counting your entries, so they must be a maximum of 69 words long, or face disqualification. (It's 69 in honour of the year Apollo 11 landed on the moon, btw.)

I think that's everything covered. Any questions, just ask me in the comments area. In the meantime (and perhaps for inspiration?) check out Moon's groovy new website.

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