Misfits: clips & interview

I'm more excited about E4's new superhero drama Misfits than I was when I first heard about the project. The recent promo was slick and arty (if a little confusing), and that style has continued into the recent TV spots -- which aren't pushing the superhero nature of the series. It wouldn't surprise me if most people tune in expecting a Skins stopgap and are astonished when the ASBO teens get superpowers! Despite some reservations about the marketing tactic, response to the press screening has been very positive, so I hope we're in for a treat -- no matter what your expectations are going in. We'll have to see. Anyway, as an appetiser before the premiere on Thursday @10pm, here are two clips of the show (above and below), and a link to a priming interview with creator Howard Overman. Enjoy.

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