Ron Selmour was born Haiti in the West Indies and grew up in Montreal. He spent the first years of his life going to plays & musicals with his parents and watching his father on stage. In 1992 he enrolled in the Theatre Program at Concordia University. Ron has starred in the horror movie Bones and appears in the feature films Blade Trinity, Black Christmas, The Chronicles of Riddick and the forthcoming 2012. Ron is no stranger to the SF genre and he has guest starred in numerous SF series' including The Outer Limits, First Wave, Dark Angel, Harsh Realm and as Ernie Shiffer in Millennium's In Arcadia Ego. Ron took time from his very busy schedule to talk to BackToFrankBlack and I am sure you will agree with me, this is one enjoyable interview that just oozes personality and heart. Enjoy the read folks.

MARK HAYDEN: Am I correct in thinking that 'In Arcadia Ego' launched your career on the screen? How did you arrive at a career in acting and how did the role of 'Ernie Shiffer' come your way?

RON SELMOUR: In Arcadia Ego was indeed my great beginning on the screen. The role came to me as I was passing through Vancouver on my way to LA from Montreal. I had auditioned for a guest role on The X Files but that didn’t pan out, then, Coreen Mayrs, the CD, brought me back a bit later to read for the role of Ernie Shiffer and voila... I was ecstatic about it simply because I was and still am a dear fan of Chris Carter’s work.

The desire to act began to manifest itself strongly midway through highschool. Growing up in Haiti my father was a theatre buff...but I hated it. My folks sent me to Canada for a better education; maybe becoming a lawyer or something like that. Then I saw a Westside Story production at my high school. All the hip kids, the coolest cats in that school were in that production. It was a tiny stage from a little high school in Montreal called de Roberval. It was like magic. I wanted to be part of that.

MH: What was your reaction to the role itself? Did you have any trepidation at all in playing an individual who, it was revealed, raped a woman while she was incapacitated. Can you recall your reaction to the character when you received the script?

RS: I don’t remember having any particular reaction regarding the role itself other than sheer excitement. It was a vindication of some sort for me. My dream was coming true and I was more interested in being true to the character. I was eager to sink my teeth into the role and fly off with it. I felt very spiritual about, actually, and quite grateful.

MH: You had some great on-screen time with Lance Henriksen and Terry O'Quinn. Did you learn anything for the process of working with them so early on in your career and how was the experience for you?

RS: I remember at one point, we were standing outside. We were about to go on camera after rehearsing the first scene. Lance noticed that I was all weirded out and asked me what was wrong. I replied to him that I was tripping out because of the admiration I had for him.

Five months prior, I had no idea where my life was going to end up. He smiled, tapped me on the shoulder and said let’s go back inside and have fun. Terry was very laid back and very professional. I had their full support and I felt comfortable because they made me feel like I was doing good. Lance was the ultimate cool cat. He made it look so suave. I dug that very much.

MH: It's been something of a revelation to me, as a layman, how many actors do not revisit their work on the screen. Have you seen 'In Arcadia Ego' or any episodes of Millennium and what are your thoughts and feelings on it? Can you appreciate why so many individuals are passionately wanting the franchise to be revisited.

RS: You’d be surprised to hear that I still watch that episode. I have a scene from “In Arcadia Ego” on my first and my second demo-reel. I play them for friends all the time, so I can tell stories about my first real gig. The vibe and the quality of the intensity of the show is so captivating, I found it revelant enough to watch over and over again.

MH: You've been is some sterling productions in your career so far but I was delighted to catch you in James Morgan and Glen Wong's 'Black Christmas.' Did you have an opportunity to meet Glen and James when you worked on Millennium? How do the experiences of working in film and television compare for you.

RS: It was a delight to work on ‘Black Christmas’ simply because those gentlemen are great people to work with. I wasn’t on set for that long but I remember it was particularly a fun shoot.

The experiences of working in Film and Television are one and the same. To me it’s the same craft. I have to go through the same process as far as exploring every aspect of the whole dynamic of the piece and the character or characters I happen to be working on or with.
Making love is making love, y’know what I mean?

MH: Millennium fans in particular are looking forward to '2012' as it appears, on the face of it, to deal with similar apocalyptic themes to Millennium. Could you tell us a little more about the film and whether you enjoyed your work on it?

RS: 2012 is one heck of a ride…it was a heck of ride shooting all those roller-coaster scenes. To break it down...2012: It’s the year the Mayan calendar ends, henceforth, the end of all mankind and you had a sense of that when on the sets. On the other hand; 2012 to me is rebirth, my daughter Soleii E Selestene Selmour was born during the filming of it. It was the new beginning of a beginning for me and there I was in the middle of the end of the world. I don’t think anyone can grasp the concept and the magnitude of the story yet. I was involved in one of the multitude of happenings that’ll be taking place around the World. Can you imagine that?

MH: I read that you are an artist and create work from your studio that you exhibit at private shows. Could you tell us a little more about your art, what medium do you work in and how would you describe your style?

RS: I do paint indeed. I’ve been going at it on a serious trip for the last eight, nine years. I’ve organised and participated in a number of artshows. My style is poetically abstract. I paint like I write prose. I tell endless stories through my work. I venture with oil, acrylic and watercolor. It’s a fantastic exercise. Somehow it spills over into my approach to the craft of acting in that it opens up windows in and around the mind that give you a new angle of looking into things.

MH: What can admirers of your work keep their eyes open for with respect to the continuing career of Ron Selmour?

RS: I just guest starred in Caprica. A television series set in the fictional Battlestar Galatica universe beginning 58 years before the events seen in Battlestar Galatica. I finished filming my scenes last night.

I’m also priveleged to be concurrently working with Zack Snider on Sucker Punch. I play a gentleman name Danforth who is part of this labyrinth like plot. A 1950’s period action movie. Zack Snider describes it as Alice in Wonderland with a machine gun. It depicts the story of a girl named Baby Doll who is confined to a mental institution by her evil stepfather, who intends to have her lobotomised in five days. While imprisoned, she imagines an alternative reality to hide her from the pain. In this fantasy world she needs to steal five objects to help her out before she is deflowered by a vile man.

It’s great fun, life is good. I’m on cloud nine and I intend to stay there or go up higher. I love my work, I’m loving life. We go on from here….more great work…and go on further making a difference in the world through my work.

MH: Once again our thanks for agreeing to talk to us.

RS: No thank you, Mark, for this healthy exercise.


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