Ladies and gentlemen, by now you will have come to expect that Thursday will be the time for DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process. Unfortunately, our good friend is a little under the weather with a dose of flu at present (where's that Millennium Group Antidote when you need it) and is under the care of Dr. Steven Kiley for the time being. Only joking of course.

In the meantime our reviewer extrodinaire has asked me to give you a heads up that next week he will turn his attention to the season two episode, Beware of The Dog and in the meantime he wants you good folk to get your thinking caps on and post your thoughts about the episode. If you recall, DiRT dealt with your feedback in a previous episode which was huge amounts of fun and I'm sure you will share your thoughts with him this time as well.

Till then, join with me in wishing DiRT a speedy recovery and allow me to express how much we are looking forward to seeing him back to his best next week. Get well soon my friend.


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