V's return delayed until mid-season

V aired its season 1 finale "Red Sky" yesterday in the US (my review will be up tomorrow, hopefully), and ABC have announced that their sci-fi remake won't be back until mid-season.

Jeff Bader, ABC's Executive Vice-President for Planning, Scheduling & Distribution:

"Because [V]'s a big, sci-fi event show, they could use the extra time to ramp up and get the show as good as it could possibly be. It's also a show we'd like to run as uninterrupted as possible, like we've done with Lost. If it can run uninterrupted, it will play much better."
I reckon fans will just be glad V's back for a second season, regardless of when that will be, considering it came very close to being cancelled amidst poor ratings.

But while the extended wait might certainly help the writers craft a better show with the extra time, will audiences be back? V suffered because of its four-month break between episode 4 and 5, so a half-year wait between episode 12 and 13 does seem excessive. Well, in American terms. Those waits are commonplace here in the UK...

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