WRITERS: Joey Murphy & John Pardee[SPOILERS] Aside from a couple of out-of-the-blue revelations to build upon in the future, "The Chase" felt, overall, like a rather contained instalment of Desperate Housewives. The majority of the episode's multitude of plot strands were introduced and wrapped up within the hour. I wouldn't go so far as to call it filler, but it was enjoyable enough fluff, with a number of new characters and returning oldies injecting the progressing season with a renewed freshness.
DIRECTOR: Larry Shaw
GUEST CAST: Julie Benz, Orson Bean, Shawn Pyfrom, Sam Page, Eric Colton, Richard Gilliland, Les Brandt & Jeffrey Markle
Stereotypically over-the-top gay couple Bob (Tuc Watkins) and Lee (Kevin Rahm) were given more screentime then I think they have ever been granted as Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria Parker) -- replete with three suitcases of luggage -- came to stay in a bid to avoid catching daughter Celia's (Daniella Baltodano) chickenpox. Nights out on the town, cocktails in the daytime and unplanned house parties made Gaby realise how much she missed her crazy single life of old -- until Bob reveals that they envy her as a mother and hope to adopt a child themselves. It will be interesting to see if the writers follow up Bob and Lee's adoption storyline (they are certainly due one!) and haven't just inserted it as a quick-fix lesson for Gaby on how important her family is to her.
Former regular cast member Andrew Van De Kamp (Shawn Pyfrom) has had literally one brief scene and a blink and you'll miss it appearance so far this season, but in "The Chase" he is witnessed working for Bree's (Marcia Cross) catering company again as if he's been present all along. More screentime of course means more tension between mother and son, the catalyst this time taking the form of smarmy new employee Sam Allen (Sam Page) -- a thoroughly unlikable if overly efficient chap -- who threw a cog in the family business by enlightening Bree to her gay son's affair with useless dogsbody Tad (Eric Colton). Andrew, for those who have forgotten, has been engaged to love Alex since last season. As great as it was to see Shawn Pyfrom back (I always enjoy seeing returning regulars; it gives the show a greater sense of community), quite why the writers feel the need to continuously damage Andrew and Bree's relationship is beyond me -- haven't they mined this plot enough already?
Still on the subject of homosexual relationships is the continuation of last week's bombshell that delicate Katherine (Dana Delaney) is suddenly developing lustful feelings for houseguest and former stripper Robin (Julie Benz). In typically hasty Desperate Housewives style, confused Katherine kicks Robin out -- on the advice of her therapist Dr. Avedon (Richard Gilliland) -- then sleeps with her in the space of five minutes. Is this realistic or just a desperate attempt to garner more ratings with a racy talking point?
Speaking of talking points, Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher) found herself locking lips with old-timer Roy Bender (Orson Bean) in "The Chase", having developed a ludicrous spur-of-the-moment obsession with seeing Roy and Karen McCluskey (Kathryn Joosten) tie the knot. I get a sense that a lot of viewers like Roy (perhaps because he makes fan favourite Karen McCluskey happy?), but I just can't stand his straight talking manner. I was further put off when he revealed a ridiculous fixation with kissing other women before being "tied down" to marriage (at his age?!) This seemed like a weak and totally implausible character development implemented simply to provide an "ewww" moment with the Susan-Roy kiss, and to allow a "heart warming" change of heart when it is revealed that Mrs. McCluskey has cancer.
Angie Bolen (Drea De Matteo) is concerned when she finds a note from son Danny (Beau Mirchoff, absent this week) saying he has gone camping with mate Eddie (Josh Zuckerman) to clear his head over girlfriend Ana's (Mairia Walsh, also absent) move to New York. Of course, we have known his real destination since last week, so it comes as little surprise when Angie and Nick (Jeffrey Nordling) spot Eddie in the supermarket and get the truth from him. This was little more than obligatory groundwork to get the Bolen's back to the city they have been avoided due to their chequered past, but at least it is developing their season-long story arc, albeit in no great hurry.
Finally, and in another curiously contained story of questionable long-term relevance, Tom (Doug Savant) and Lynette (Felicity Huffman) have forgotten daughter Penny's (Kendall Applegate) birthday -- which is no surprise given how little she has featured this year -- leading the distraught child to run away from home. A cute apology scene between mother and daughter at the hotel Penny paid for on her parent's credit card later, and all is resolved in this clichéd story strand which -- sweet character interaction aside -- felt somewhat redundant. But then, that is true of much of this week's averagely enjoyable episode...
19 MAY 2010: CHANNEL 4/HD, 9PM