(Un)Obsessed With Film

I've decided to leave Obsessed With Film, which at least gives me an opportunity to cite "creative differences". I've always wanted to do that! To explain further, despite OWF's revamp and its ambitious agenda, the site's creators were unhappy with the response from their readership post-relaunch and have decided to reverse May's changes in an effort to woo back lost visitors. Ironically, my reviews were the most popular posts there (definitely in terms of comments), but overall interaction was down. The belief is that existing OWF readers didn't like or understand the new design and were turned off by the changes/improvements.
Now, it was part of the agreement when I joined OWF that the site was to be revamped, partly to take advantage of my input with the new TV section, but also to generally improve and thus attract a wider audience. However, considering the fact OWF's back to being a simple "film blog" with a leaning towards "geekdom", I don't think it's worth my time doing for OWF exactly what I'm doing here at DMD. There can be no true TV "section" in that format and it's basically not what I signed up for.
I don't like the cartoon-y design they've reverted back to, either. I'd have preferred they continue improving the new version, or experimented with a compromise between the two styles. Something that looks sophisticated but is easy to navigate and use. But hey, it was a drastic reversal and therefore I know it was decision that wasn't taken lightly.
I just don't agree with what's happened, but if it works for them -- that's fair enough. It's just not for me. There's little chance to accomplish what I wanted to do at OWF because of this decision, so I think it's best to cut my ties and move on amicably. A shame it didn't last longer, as I was initially very excited about the partnership.
I wish everyone at OWF well (particularly editor Matt Holmes), and a massive thanks to everyone here who supported my short-lived venture over there. It's just a pity OWF's own readership weren't more supportive of the site's changes, or at the very least willing to give constructive feedback. In fact, the experience has made me value the support and sense of community that's been nurtured here all the more. So for that I'm grateful.
And hey, I'm now open to offers of similar work, if more cautious when promises are made...