Seven and One: Peter McKiernan
And welcome to another blog by you, the ever faithful harbinger of the apocalypse and/or Millennium fan! Seven and One time, and this week, we have another fan answering the "advanced set".
Peter from Belfast in Northern Ireland answers our questionnaire this time, prepare yourselves for some in-depth answers to our pretty thorough questions. Enjoy.
1. About You.
WHite male, aged 30, live in Belfast Northern Ireland, cult/sci-fi/fantasy TV geek since childhood :)
2. What was the most horrifying moment in the show?
Its gotta be Lamentation, and the whole sequence with Catherine wandering around in the dark, with the lightning flashing, the kidney in the fridge and the devil-like figure on the stairs. I loved this episode, for me it was a perfect fusion of the detective/cop procedural, and out-and-out supernatural horror. And it scared me. A lot. I was just turning 18 when it aired in Ireland.
3. What's your favourite quote from the show?
Jose: "I humbly add my own prophecy of what the dawn of the new millennium shall bring forth: one thousand years of the same old crap."
4. What's your favourite piece of music in Millennium (incidental or song)?
So hard to choose. Apart from the theme tune, I'd have to say its the score to The Wild and the Innocent." Beautiful music. But there are so many other good examples too.
5. What is your opinion as to the nature of Frank's Gift?
Its definitely something more than just intuition. In later season one episodes there were hints at Jordan inheriting his gift. Season 2 then gave numerous examples of something more, with it changing and broadening, and it being compared with Lara's angels visions. I think its Anemesis where Lara says clearly that Frank sees evil, whereas she can only know it is in her vicinity by seeing angels. Late in season 3, in Seven and One, Frank says something to his therapist, I cant remember exactly, but it was something that combined the pilot description of him seeing what the killer sees, and evil as a real presence. I loved that.
6. What's your favourite episode ending?
Can I give a few answers to this one? :)
1. Season 2 finale - I had never seen anything like that on TV, it was so final, and dark. No happy ending there! (I'm including Lara's insanity Act with the final scene here, it blew me away and introduced me to Patti SMith, along with Dancing Barefoot from Anemesis). I was so excited by this series at this stage, and no one I knew was watching it, as it was on very late on Irish terrestrial TV, and not prime time, like X-Files.
2. End of Seven and One - I actually thought this was a perfect series finale, if they'd changed the episode order around a little. Frank cradling a traumatised Emma, reciting some quotes and talking about the end of civilisation, with glimpses into his psyche, references to Catherine, his childhood losses etc. I loved it. Always found it a little odd that it was followed by a serial killer type episode, as if nothing had happened, although that was a good episode also.
1. If you were given the chance to make a Millennium movie, what would you focus on and why?
I would focus on Frank, obviously, maybe continuing the idea of pure evil in the context of possible apocalypse, either secular or religious, as in Owls and Roosters, with references to terrorism, suicide bombings etc, what's happening in our world now. Maybe the idea of a higher power, both good and evil, overseeing events, but most people are oblivious to it and are still victims of their own nature, freewill, greed, instincts etc etc (I'm thinking of another recently ended critically acclaimed genre show that I loved and had a few Millennium faces in it)
Email your "seven and one" profile to and we'll share you those responses to the Millennium world! We have a choice of 2 questionnaires - up to you which you use!
HARD SET (new!):
1. About You.
2. What was the most horrifying
moment in the show?
3. What's your favourite quote from the show?
4. What's your
favourite piece of music in Millennium (incidental or song)?
5. What is your
opinion as to the nature of Frank's Gift?
6. What's your
favourite episode ending?
1. If you were given the chance to
make a Millennium movie, what would you focus on and why?
1. About You.
2. Why are you a fan?
3. How long have
you been a fan?
4. What's your favorite episode?
5. What's your
favorite scene or moment?
6. If a movie was made which characters
would you like to see in it?
1. What are you watching right now?