State of the Blog: Lost finale plan, Facebook RSS, some delays, etc.
It's great news that Sky1 are simulcasting the Lost finale at 5am this Monday, but I doubt I'll be watching it live. I'm a big fan, but I don't think a 5am airing will work for me; I'll be too bleary-eyed and have to work that day. I will instead record the broadcast and watch it later that evening, being careful to avoid the internet all day. Given the fact watching Lost and writing my review will take priority over other things on Monday/Tuesday, my early-week reviews (Glee, Chuck, 24, Breaking Bad, etc.) might be delayed. I was also planning to review FlashForward's own finale, but that will also have to wait until later in the week now. I'm hoping to get my last ever Lost review posted by Tuesday or Wednesday (at the latest).
The Facebook page for DMD is now running smoothly, now that I've started using RSS Graffiti to import my blog's feed. Thanks to everyone who has decided to sign-up for updates there; I hope it's a fun, easy way for you to read the blog, especially on mobile devices. The formatting isn't the best with an RSS feed, but it's better than nothing. Also, you may have noticed that I've replaced the Facebook's "Recommend" button with an Add-This button at the bottom of every posting here. They give you more ways to favourite/recommend/share posts, so hopefully some of you will take advantage of that functionality.
Today's planned review of Strike Back's finale will have to wait until tomorrow now, as I only had time to watch the first half last night; Chris Howard is on holiday so this week's Desperate Housewives review will also be delayed (or form part of a double-bill next week); and I hope everyone hasn't forgotten about Ashes To Ashes' finale tonight. I'm actually very interested to see what they've come up with to explain Life On Mars and Ashes with a unifying theory, but part of me is braced for bitter disappointment.