State of the Blog: on my plate...

It's a slow week, mainly because US politics put a few TV shows on hiatus (The Event, Glee, No Ordinary Family), and there was no new Fringe on Sky1. But that's not to say I'm not busily prepping stuff to be posted in the near-future. I'm aware a few things I promised to do over the summer have fallen by the wayside (The Good Wife review -- now very unlikely, a retrospective review of Profit's pilot, et al), but that's how it is. I do my best, but brand new TV has a habit of creeping up on me and stealing all my attention. And, fact is, most people would prefer I review the current weekly releases than bother reviewing shows that are months/years old. My activities at Obsessed With Film is another reason it's harder to find the time for everything. But, for those who care, here's a rundown of things I have on my to-do list, which I'm actively working on:

Alien Anthology (Blu-ray) I spent last weekend watching the first three movies, with the fourth still to revisit this Saturday, and that's before I dive into the bountiful extra features. It'll take awhile to get through this comprehensive box-set, but I hope to deliver four enjoyable and extensive reviews. I hope you enjoy them. I'll be promoting this post heavily online, considering the work that's going into it, so hope you'll help spread the word with links/tweets when the time comes.

Back To The Future Trilogy (Blu-ray) Similarly to the Alien Anthology, I'll get through this box-set over a few weekends and post a substantial review shortly after. Considering the fact they're old films, there's no rush, so please have patience.

Dexter: Season 4 (Blu-ray) Another of my occasional DVD/Blu-ray box-set reviews, primarily linking back to my existing archive of reviews, but with a look at the extra features. I'm sure it'll be of some interest. Well, I hope!

Dollhouse: Season 2 (Blu-ray) I'm 30% of the way through writing a review of this box-set, which will be exclusive to OWF. For readers here, you already know my thoughts on this series, but this will have to take priority over a few things.

Firefly (DVD) My summer project to catch-up with Joss Whedon's admired sci-fi drama went according to plan, but I just can't find time to write the damn review! The new TV season and my OWF commitment has proven too much of a diversion, as there are more pressing concerns. I will do my best to get a review done, chipping away at it whenever I get a spare half-hour, but it's possible this will have to wait for Christmas.

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