'THE TRIP' 1.5 – "The Yorke Arms"

Still, there were some fun moments in "The Yorke Arms": I enjoyed seeing Coogan split from Brydon while out hiking, only to stumble upon the world's most boring amateur geologist; some of the impressions (Woody Allen doing Les Dawson jokes) hit the spot; the debate over the lyrics of Abba's "The Winner Takes It All" was interesting; and the anecdotes of missed opportunities (Coogan losing out to Geoffrey Rush in the Peter Sellers biopic, Brydon cut from the same movie as Dustin Hoffman) was also a fun moment.
But seeing Coogan call his teenage son and lonely girlfriend didn't really deliver anything worthwhile, and it was a shame some of last week's story didn't feed into episode 5 (Steve's temptation with cocaine, married Rob making a failed pass at Steve's agent). This was largely self-contained and, while still wryly amusing throughout, I didn't laugh as much. It feels like the joke's wearing thin now, and I'm unsure if next week's finale is going to reveal any deep purpose behind the show. There's a chance viewers are trying to find more substance and subtext than here actually it; finding form and purpose in a simple repetition of theme.
For me, The Trip's about two middle-aged comedians, moving in different directions career-wise, forced to spend time together over six expensive meals, and while largely communicating via bravado and one-upmanship, will come to realize they're best friends who needed a break from their lives to rediscover each other and come to value the simpler pleasures in life. Hopefully the last episode will tie everything together in a bow, rather than just deliver another near-identical three-part installment (daytime sightseeing, the afternoon meal, retiring to bed).
What are your hopes for the finale next Monday?
DIRECTOR: Michael Winterbottom
TRANSMISSION: 29 November 2010, BBC2/HD, 10PM