Ana Lucia Cortez

Ana Lucia Cortez was portrayed by Michelle Rodriguez.

Inkworks LOST Revelations "Survivors: Tail Section" card

Inkworks LOST Revelations Box Loader (foiled) Card BL-2

Inkworks LOST Season 2 Character card #66

Rittenhouse LOST Seasons 1-5 Artifex Card

Rittenhouse LOST Seasons 1-5 Autograph card

Rittenhouse LOST Archives Character card #16

My collection includes an autographed 8"x10" photo.

Ana Lucia is included in Don Pinset's spectacular
LOST Caricature compilation print.
I hope to have my print framed shortly.
It measures 24" x 36" and is just FANTASTIC!

Ana Lucia is included on Tyler Stout's "LOST".

My Ping in

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