Serendipiteevee: A D-con blipvert aired just as I discovered I really did have a need for the product.....
The biggest oversight in the history of 'Saturday Night Live' was that Dick Van Dyke never hosted the show......
I've seen the first two episodes of 'Sherlock' and it's brilliant! Sadly, I don't see any way it can be incorporated into Earth Prime-Time. However, I may have a really off-the-wall splainin as to where it fits into the TV Multiverse, which would at least give it some company with four other TV series - 'Lost', 'Life On Mars' (the UK version), 'Ashes To Ashes', and 'Madigan'.
"Celebrity Probation" is a new TV show within Toobworld, courtesy of some cell phone commercial. I don't use cell phones, so the blipvert was a big fail for me. I like the idea of 'Celebrity Probation', though.....
Woke up with the phrase "Opie Dei" in my head. I googled it and found plenty of references so I'm not original with that. But that's okay, I can still use it for a one-liner near the end of my Toobworld novel. (I really ought to actively pursue getting it published before I over-write it to death.....)
I watched "Tommy" on Ovation. Must be thirty years at least since I've seen it last. At one time I thought it was the greatest visual explosion ever. Now? A sad mess of beans and soap and chocolate. But Ann-Margeret still looks good writhing about in that mess.

I wonder if the creators of 'Brothers & Sisters' were thinking of the rock opera when they named "Nora Walker" & "Tommy Walker"?

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