Ladies and gentlemen it's time, once again, for our masked avenger, wrestlemaniac and super powered reviewer DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process. This time we venture into the strange world of ancient eastern magic and pharmacology for season three's Human Essence.

If ever there was a Millennium episode that inspires unilateral uncertainty from fans then Human Essence is, sadly, that episode. Written by the then show-runner, Michael Duggan shortly before his departure from the show, Human Essence tells the story of a tormented Emma Hollis forced to choose between her half sister and her career as an FBI agent as she embarks on a journey to discover the truth behind a series of drugs related deaths.

What we want to know is the episode as problematic as people would have you believe? Is this episode a misunderstood gem, an unfairly criticised outing or an episode worthy of its reputation as something of a misfire. I asked DiRT to take and look and let us know what he thinks. Enjoy the show.

So now you know, that's DiRT's view of Human Essence and now we want to know yours. Did DiRT hit the nail on the head for you or was he so wrong you actually wondered if he was on the same drug as the one in the episode. Dust
down those keyboards and tell us what you think. Rest assured, DiRT reads all the feedback he gets so don't be shy.

As always, every new video we add to Youtube, or is
added to Youtube for us, reaches out to a whole new audience and may find a Millennium who never knew of our campaign in the process. Don't forget, keep sending those letters and postcards to Mr. Steve Asbell.

As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.

  • To visit his website and enjoy the numerous things he has on offer, click here!
  • To check out his Youtube channel and view more reviews from the man himself, visit here!

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