We are continually encouraged and very honoured to have the opportunity to meet so many new and passionate fans of Millennium. Whilst we were aware of the constant activity within the Millennium fan community, we never anticipated such enthusiastic and considerable support from far and wide. Once again, we were delighted when an unexpected email of support dropped in our lap and on this occasion from a respected, published author at that. We are undeniably grateful to Mr. Sellars for offering us his support and blogging about our campaign. If this author and his work remain undiscovered to you, allow me to introduce him by quoting from his own bio.M. R. Sellars is a relatively unassuming homebody who considers himself just a “guy with a lot of nightmares and a word processing program.” His first full-length novel, Harm None, hit bookstore shelves in 2000 and he hasn’t stopped writing since. He says that the biggest adjustment he has had to make with his writing career is coping with the time spent away from his family while traveling on promotional tours. Still, he approaches it with the same humorously deadpan and occasionally acerbic wit that he applies to life in general.
All of the current novels in Sellars’ continuing Rowan Gant Investigations saga have spent several consecutive weeks on numerous bookstore bestseller lists as well as a consistent showing on the Horror/Occult top 100.
We would encourage all supporters of our campaign to visit his highly entertaining blog and, if you are unfamiliar with him, to discover his work for the first time. To read his blog entry and to show your support for him and his efforts on our behalf please visit here!