Whilst it is fair to say that a number of actors and characters have left an indelible mark on the Millennium universe, few have made the impact of Frank Black's enduring nemesis Lucy Butler.

Kudos must be given to Sarah-Jane Redmond for helping to create one of the most memorable antagonists to have featured in a 1013 creation. Few characters rattled Frank's cage in the same way Lucy did and rarely has a character been subjected to the same level of analysis and praise within the Millennium fan community.

We are proud, therefore, to bring to your attention Sarah-Jane Redmond's support of this campaign and to inform you that she has agreed to be interviewed and has offered a few goodies (more to come) that we can use to further interest in us and provide for you, the fans, an exclusive piece of Millennium memorabilia.

As you are aware we aim to involve you all as much as we are able in our efforts, the campaign relies on the visible support of the show's fans and we are pleased to announce that this latest triumph is no exception.

We are giving you all the possibility of contributing to the interview we will be conducting. We want to know what the fans want to know - if you had the opportunity to ask Sarah-Jane Redmond anything about her character and her time on Millennium, what would that be?

It is easy to submit your ideas to us, either leave them here as comments about this Blog entry or email them to us at

We are sure you will agree that this is an opportunity not to be missed and we are eager that Sarah-Jane is not kept waiting so the deadline for submissions is Tuesday 10th March. That said, let your imagination run amok, and send us your ideas.

We cannot guarantee that we will use all the submissions we receive but rest assured your efforts will be much appreciated.

Good luck to all of you!

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