Let it not be said that Millennium fans are without a sense of the absurd and whilst we endeavor to keep this Blog of the highest standard we know you will turn a blind eye every once in a while whilst we get our jollies with something less cerebral. Yup, Millennium Cocktails, and why not? Get your thinking caps on people and suggest the perfect Millennium inspired Cocktail, the results of which will be shared with our readers in future entries. The fun thing is you are not limited to consumable ingredients, it's for fun after all, let your minds run rampant and concoct some toxic brews that echo the show, its episodes or the characters. You can leave your ideas as comments or send them to us as an email, we don't mind which, we'll probably be too drunk to care ;)

Just to whet, or kill, your appetite here are three potent, yet debonair, elixirs for your delectation. Shouldn't take too long to work out what inspired these little demons.


3 pt Lime Vodka

1 pt Blue Curacao

1 large pinch of brimstone

2 chilled kidneys (preferable those of your spouse)

Sprite to dilute.

Build in a highball glass packed with ice. Get an extra spooky, smoking effect by decorating with carbonic ice. Enjoy in small doses whilst chilling to endless loops of elevator muzak.


1 shot Vodka

1 shot Tia Maria

Top up with Cola

A large shot of intuition

Mix 1 shot of Tia Maria with 1 shot of Vodka with ice and top up glass with Cola. Drink in a silent (but not depressive) atmosphere with no company. On special occasions treat yourself to a little Bobby Darin but listen in reverential and ponderous (but still not depressed) manner.


1 pint Cider

Double Pernod

2 Luscious Lips

Pour Pernod into Cider and mix. Drink in sultry fashion whilst innocently smoking a cigarette in a wantonly suggestive manner. Pause every now and then to feel the inevitability of the end of the drink and weep accordingly. On special occasions drop the glass whilst startling angelic vision takes place.

My Ping in

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