Paul Giamatti Wants To Play Rhino In A Future "Spider-Man" Film!

Paul Giamatti has confessed on "Conan" chat show, that he would love to play Rhino in a future "Spider-Man" film. He's actually campaining right now as we speak, well, or as I type.
The script for "The Amazing Spider-Man II" is currently in the works, so we could seee Rhino appear in the film. Fans could actually see The Sinister Six make an appearance in the second or even third film. The Sinister Six builds up of Rhino, Doc Ock, Green Goblin and finally Sandman. Other than Rhino, the other three villains are expected to return in the new rebooted franchise by director, Marc Webb. THAT'S NO RUMOR...........the finally line anyway!

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