According to CBS, the rally tally estimate was numbered at about 215,000. (Although, as comedian Andy Borowicz posted on Facebook yesterday, the FOX News estimate had the crowd reaching a total of seven.)
One of my dearest and bestest of friends, Ivy, and her husband Gene attended the rally. And she sent me the following report of the day's proceedings:
And now, I turn this post over to Ivy:
I wouldn't have missed this for the world, and having done it, still wouldn't have missed it for the world. Wish we were still there. The vibes were that good. BTW, because it figures in the stream-of-unconsciousness ramble below (rallying is hard work!), Gene's sign was "Chai Party!" and mine was "Tune out Foreign Owned Xenophobes" --with the F O X part in larger, red letters -- "Tune in Hannity" -- with the H crossed out and replaced with an S, and the second N crossed out entirely. With a postscript in the corner, "Yes We Can" in a circle.

From what we could hear, though, the comedy part was kind of lame. And somebody really needs to retire Father Guido Sarducci. The Roots were great.
It seemed clear that they had underestimated the size of the crowd, because we were in the last section they expected to use, which was full by 11 a.m., and a solid 25% of the audience wound up behind us. As we approached the Mall at 10:30, from every street in every direction, you could see a thick, orderly, and cheerful crowd of people, all heading to the same place. That was pretty amazing.
Cops had to come over to our initial spot to ask some ralliers to get out of the tree they'd climbed for a better view. No problem for the ralliers, who scurried down right away, helped by a human wave of people -- like an aerial mosh pit. Even the cops were smiling and in a good mood.
We wound up pretty hemmed in and yet never had the sense that "being hemmed in" might be a bad thing were some kind of argument to erupt. Not with this crowd -- no worries there -- young guys behind us made plenty of space for the 75-ish woman who'd come by herself, and pretty much adopted her for the afternoon, etc. This by itself was something rare.

Gene's sign turned out to be a real winner -- there must be a hundred (at least) photos of him/it/him and it photographed with complete strangers/film, and two interviews -- one by a blogger and the other for The Baltimore Sun (along with Peter).
My sign got loads of photos, too, and a lot of thumbs ups, oddly a large number of those from older women, who seem to particularly detest FOX News.

Saw a really great sign: "Where are the moderate Muslims?" With an arrow pointed down to the middle-aged couple holding the sign.

We have never ever been part of such an exceptionally nice, low-key, pleasant and polite group -- which, of course, was the point. People were going out of their way to be pleasant. Which gave the whole thing a wonderful, contagious energy.

After trying for about an hour and a half of astonished wandering around, and camaraderie with total strangers, our lunch consisted of Doritos bought from a bodega. They'd sold out of water. I don't think DC was prepared for the size of this crowd either. We were up at 8 a.m., and people were already streaming toward the Mall in numbers.

Thanks, Ivy!