Happy Birthday, James McLean!

I hope you all are enjoying our fantastic Halloween Week! We just got confirmation from "Thirteen Years Later" writer Michael R. Perry that it was him who recently left a comment on our blog! How fantastic is that? So, while we enjoy that bit of information, let's take a quick breather and pass on some very important news.

Yesterday our good friend James McLean celebrated his birthday. It would be criminal for us not to take time out to wish him a very happy birthday. James, as I am sure you know, is the one who started the Back to Frank Black campaign back in 2007. Little did I know that having James as a guest on my podcast at the time would lead to me becoming a part of this fantastic journey we are all taking.

With everything that has gone on with the campaign, good and bad, James has always kept an upbeat and positive attitude which definitely rubs off on everyone around him. He's made the last several years working on this campaign an absolute joy! So, James, here's to you my friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Please show your birthday love for James by leaving him a comment. I know he would enjoy it.

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