In "The Infinite Worlds Of H.G. Wells", Dr. Mark Radcliffe overdosed on a formula that could increase his body speed at Imperial College back on September 17, 1893. The overdose had him live perpetually in the two hours between 3 and 5 pm on that sunny afternoon for the next fifty years.
It's never stated in the mini-series as to what made up that concoction but when different TV shows share the same world, then we might find the ingredients in some other series. And for this accelerative fluid, I'm thinking Radcliffe used melted diamonds, just as Morgan Midas did just over a decade earlier - as seen in the episode of 'The Wild Wild West' entitled "The Night Of The Burning Diamond".
While researching his nerve medicine formula, Radcliffe may have come across the notes made by Midas before his death from friction burns.
Just an idea.....