10 Questions

It appears to be a slow day today (he says, tempting fate), so if you'd like to help me out with some market research that would be great...

1. Do you ever read reviews here of TV shows you're not watching? If so, why? If not, do you revisit old reviews once you've seen the episodes yourself?

2. Are there any review you always read, but don't comment on? If so, why?

3. Do you prefer reading reviews of shows that aren't covered so widely online (e.g Persons Unknown, The Deep)?

4. Are you primarily drawn here for the reviews, or for the news?

5. Would you like me to resurrect the test-run feature "Open Thread", where I'd cover a show very briefly just to provoke comments? If so, what shows do you think should be covered that way? Would shows I watched but didn't review (Justified, The Good Wife) be popular as open-threads?

6. How do you keep abreast of updates here? Direct visit to the blog? Using a RSS feedreader? A click-through from Twitter or Facebook? Etc.

7. Are you aware I'm on Twitter and DMD has a Facebook page? If so, do you interact that way? If not, why not?

8. Do you like the quantity-to-quality ratio at present? Would you be happy if there were LESS reviews every week, but an increase in quality?

9. Would you read non-spoiler reviews of shows before they air on TV? Or would you just ignore reviews of that nature until you've seen them yourself?

10. Are there any general improvements, changes, or ideas you'd like to mention yourself, based on how you think DMD is currently operating?

Thanks for your help! It all helps me keep focus on what's working, what's not, and how to improve things.

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