Because We Can't Just Sit Back And Hope For A Happy Ending!

Old Redeye is back and that's not to suggest Barry Renshaw has been a little greedy with the sauce but rather to announce the return of the monthly magazine, this time in pdf format, primarily focussing on the indie British comics scene. What can we say, it's quite simply brilliant and is bursting at the seams with news, reviews, features and art and is more than worth the measly £1/$1.50 price of a download.

To BackToFrankBlack campaigners, Barry is no stranger. He created and designed our exclusive merchandise range, is an active member of the Millennium fan community, created the artwork that graces our intro page and continues to plug this campaign with a five, yes five, page spread in this very magazine.

Showing support for the people that in turn support us is vital. Their time, devotion and energy for this campaign swallows their spare time and is done for with nothing asked for in return. Support the supporters is a phrase I'm fond of so do exactly that. £1 of your money will entertain you more than you ever thought it could.

• REDEYE MAGAZINE ISSUE 2.1: 114 pages, colour, PDF format, 82mb direct download. Just £1/$1.50! Download it from

The time is near! FRANK SPOTNITZ REDUX

From the very beginning, this campaign has been proud to have had the support and encouragement of Ten Thirteen luminary, Frank Spotnitz. Frank was involved in no fewer than forty four episodes of Millennium and is evidently an individual who knows this franchise inside and out. Frank has very generously agreed to give of his time, again, to speak to BackToFrankBlack and we cannot thank him enough for the warmth he has extended to us.

For that reason we urge you to check out this very blog at the weekend for an opportunity to hear BackToFrankBlack's latest interview with the 1013 luminary himself.

All that and a new competition coming soon, an exclusive behind the scenes look at 'Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense' and news of an exciting new online magazine that will be supporting the campaign each and every week.

The thing's they've told me: The fans section!

This is one of my favourite blog categories to update because it's you're category, the little grotto we've tucked aside to share your thoughts, emails, artwork and so on and believe me when I say that everything we receive is very much appreciated. Like the great man himself it would appear that a number of Lance Henriksen supporters are very talented artists and this little gem arrived courtesy of a new friend of ours at our Youtube channel by the name of Kyle which was lovingly created by artist Yayoi Neko, the author of Media Blasters' "Incubus." Check out her fantastic DeviantArt page here!

I was absolutely blown away by this, there's no way on earth I could create anything even approaching the skill and talent on display here and I'm sure you will join with me in congratulating the artist on a rather fantastic piece of art.

Don't let such mastery put you off mind, you don't need to be a budding Van Gogh to make an appearance on our Blog. Taking the time to write to us, telling us about your love of the show and why you want to see Frank Black return is a perfect way to demonstrate the level of support and admiration that still exists for Frank Black and we are always eager to hear from you guys. So as soon as you've sent those letters to 20th Century Fox, put finger to keyboard and drop us a line at

Avatar Vision Proudly Presents - ABOVE DEAD LETTERS!

It's time once again for another helping of televisual goodness from my friend and yours, Josef who has been busy cutting and mixing another episode of Millennium to create yet another stunning montage video. We have to give credit to him because with each new video release comes another Youtube friend, email or subscription from a Millennium fan who wasn't aware of our campaign. Today's treat? A rather dark little montage taken from the episode, "Dead Letters."

Now I know there are people out there wanting to support the campaign but don't have Josef's talents (like myself for example) wondering of ways to help support us, well wonder no more. Get those typing fingers into gear and send an email to and tell us all about yourself, your love of the show and we will get back to you with ways you can help the campaign. We are always eager to hear from fans and will reply to each and every one of you as soon as we are able.
So grab that popcorn and settle down for another instalment of Avatar Vision. Don't forget, let Josef know what you think of his efforts in our comments section.

Free podcast! Millennium Group Sessions #7 - Jon Polito Interviewed!

BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!

Please download our free podcast to support the campaign and the guests who have graciously contributed their time to the campaign!

download from

To download from ITUNES
  • To subscribe to the Itunes podcast, simply load up the Itunes store on your Itunes application, search for BacktoFrankBlack and wait for the podcast to pop onto the list. Then click "subscribe" - you will need to sign up to a free Itunes account to do this - but Itunes does run a great service for podcasts of all types (including our friends ThaDarkSideVibe and Spooktalkular)

BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions 07 - Omerta Pt 2

In the seventh episode in the Millennium Group Sessions series, Troy and Jim speak to Omerta guest star Jon Polito (Homicide: Life On The Street, Miller's Crossing, The Big Nothing) and talk about his prolific career and his love for Millennium. It's a fun, informative and charming interview. Expect an abridged version on the blog in the future along with a great hi-res image of Jon on set.

Also, Millennium Group Sessions #7 has more news, updates and informal chat with your hosts Troy Foreman and Jim McLean.

This free podcast is available on a fortnightly basis via ITUNES and We'll naturally update you all on information on the podcast from this blog as well.

With ITUNES, anyone who has an Itunes friendly account will be able to subscribe easily and download the podcasts as they are released. We recommend the ITUNES friendly enhanced podcast because each episode will have its unique set of images to accompany the chatter!

Finally - apologies on a few bad links we've had on Klea Scott's interview - a compounded problem caused by a few file name repairs made in the server folder. Sorry for the inconvenience - my bad - and sorry to Klea! :) All fine now!

The end is here: Competition winner announced!

Well here's the moment we know you've been waiting for, the winner of our exclusive competition to win a signed DVD and Soundtrack of Brett Hart's amazing movie, Bone Dry, is Jaclyn French. Congratulations to Jaclyn and our commiserations to those of you who didn't win the competition this time.

This competition has received the highest number of entries of any competition we have run so far so we know the interest in this movie is high and we can heartily recommend it to you, Brett Hart and Lance Henriksen makes for a fantastic combination. Once again, our considerable gratitude to Brett for not only donating the prizes but for recording a video to launch the competition and for being such a valuable and respected supporter of our efforts.

Keep your eyes peeled for more exclusive competitions shortly!


Malcolm Stewart is a licensed pilot, has a teenage daughter and is a citizen of three countries. Recently, he was honoured to be the only actor in three films at the prestigious 2009 Sundance Film Festival, "Moon" with Sam Rockwell, "Grace" a psychological thriller and "Helen" with Ashley Judd. To Millennium fans he will always be remembered for his appearance in 'Loin Like a Hunting Flame' and, most notably, for occupying the notorious position of inciting the civil unrest between the 'Owls' and 'Roosters' as the shadowy 'Gordon Johnston'. Malcolm took the time to speak to BacktoFrankBlack recently and we are indebted to him for his kindness and generosity.

BACKTOFRANKBLACK: You have made two appearances in Millennium, in 'Owls' and in 'Loin Like A Hunting Flame' and a number of appearances in Millennium's sister franchise, "The X-Files". How do you rate your time on both shows and do you have a particular preference with regards to what you gleaned the most satisfaction from working on?

With all due respect to "Millennium" I enjoyed working on the X-Files from "literally" the first day of shooting. There was something different about the mood on the set, as if we were all wondering what the whole thing was about.

I remem
ber Gillian being quite nervous and rightly so. She had done very little before X-Files and a lot was riding on her performance. David on the other hand had come from feature films and was complaining about how fast everything was. My favourite part was Dr. Sachs, had he not been killed by the crawly things I think he would have been an interesting character to explore.

BTFB: I know you have mentioned that you have never seen the second season episode of "Millennium" that you starred in, is this true of 'Loin Like a Hunting Flame' as well? Is this merely because of circumstance or because you tend not to revisit your work on screen?

MS: I never saw either episode of Millennium, in fact I have never seen one of the episodes of X-Files (the one after the pilot about Vampires) [the Season Two episode "3".] There are two reasons. Firstly, unless it is specifically written into your contract, you are not sent a copy. Even then, producers very often forget to honor it. Usually, it is just the stars that get a first look. The other reason is that when I was just starting out in New York doing soap operas and commercials I tended to watch everything I was in. The fact is, and not to sound arrogant, it became too difficult after a while or in some cases It just wasn't important to me.

With that being said there are some projects that come along where I have to see it and have a copy because of how I feel about it.

BTFB: Johnston's death scene was a very memorable part of 'Owls' and a classic hallmark of Morgan and Wong to depict such a scene against a gentle music track, in this case, America's "A Horse with No Name." I know Glen Morgan was frustrated by the amount of cuts that were demanded for that particular scene, could you tell us what you recall of filming and what we, as viewers, should have seen?

MS: As I have never seen it, I am not sure what was eventually aired by the network. I do know this: sometime after filming someone on the production staff informed me that the network thought the footage was too gruesome and realistic for prime time television and decided to cut it drastically. Here is what I do remember.

We shot in the middle of the night (par for the course with Millennium) and I spent a good deal of the night on my back pretending to be drowning from a hose stuck down my throat that was supposed to
be gasoline. The crew and director were constantly worried that I was really in trouble which I was not.

I have always been comfortable under water or faking that sort of I guess I "Sold" it well. I was once in a scene where this fellow had to drown me in a fish tank. I said look, "put my hands behind my back, push my head down into the tank and I will pretend I am drowning. When I run out of air I w
ill squeeze your hand and you pull me up." It all went "swimmingly" fine except for the fact that I was able to do that for close to a minute and nobody told some young female production assistant who actually thought I was drowning...consequently, she became rather hysterical and ruined the first take.

BTFB: In the first scene you starred in, your character has the job of providing for the viewers all sorts of complicated info to fill them in on the mandate of the 'Owls' faction of the "Millennium Group" alongside Terry O'Quinn. Another actor explained to me that guest stars are rarely clued in as to what the bigger picture is with regards to the content of the episode they are in. Is this correct in all cases and do you ever find yourself wondering what on earth your character is talking about?

MS: The answer to this question is yes...sometimes, even when you read the whole script. But this is mostly in sci-fi. Actually, I do not remember that particular scene (too long ago) but I have remained friends with Terry O' Quinn. We guest starred together a few years ago on "Master's of Science Fiction"

BTFB: Looking at your career you have featured in an incredible number of genre productions including Battlestar Gallactica, The Bionic Woman, Stargate and countless more besides. Are you attracted to that particular type of role or is it attracted to you? Looking back over those roles are there any you are particularly proud of in terms of personal satisfaction with your performance?

MS: To be perfectly honest I think it has to do more with location. I live and work predominantly out of Vancouver, Canada although I do film in London, New York and LA occasionally. The fact is Sci-Fi is not a sure bet and generally not for one of the four major US networks so the producers look for shooting locations that are less expensive than the major centers. Consequently, I get offered these parts because I am located where they are shooting.

BTFB: I read recently that you were the only actor to star in three films at the prestigious 2009 Sundance Film Festival. "Moon" with Sam Rockwell, "Grace" a psychological thriller and "Helen" with Ashley Judd. That's a fantastic achievement, are you proud of your work in those films?

MS: Yes, I feel honoured to have enjoyed that distinction. Ironically, I had made a decision a couple of years ago to look for more interesting and different roles outside the mainstream film and television industry and in so doing almost turned down each one of the films that ended up at Sundance. "Grace" because of the subject matter and the initial script. "Helen" because of the type of role and "Moon" because of the size of the part. Ultimately, I did all three and was stunned at the result!

BTFB: You have had an incredibly full career to date, what can admirers of your work keep their eyes open for with regards to the continuing career of Malcolm Stewart?

MS: Who knows! However, l am enjoying writing for film and would like to go back to Broadway someday.

BTFB: And now for a little fun....


Heaven is
... good health
People who know me think... I 'm fun to be around
My last meal... would be something I cooked served with a good wine
I must confess... I like expensive clothes

BTFB: Our thanks to you for taking the time to talk to us!

MS: Good luck and keep me posted.


Thanks to the phenomenon that is twitter, I had the pleasure of discovering and it's wonderful webmaster Christopher. Like us, Christopher is a Millennium aficionado and was happy to share with us his thoughts and feelings on one show that left an indelible
impression upon him. Imagine our delight when he extended his friendship to us and offered to support the campaign by way of an interview with yours truly. really has to be experienced to be truly appreciated. If you lean towards all things horror and Halloween, as I do, then this website is a veritable goldmine of information and goodies and what's more it is the work a fan of the show and, more recently, an appreciator of the campaign, what further impetus do you need to check it out?

I could not in all honesty do justice to the impressive content the site has on offer. If you are seeking the best in horror podcasts, haunted house locations, Halloween related goods, the meaning of life (well, evidently not the latter but it has to be the only thing this site doesn't have) then head on over and get lost in the content. I did and a happy hour went by in the blink of an eye.

To read the resulting interview visit here and ensure you check the site out in the process. Our tremendous thanks to Christopher for the warmth and kindness he has extended to us.

Avatar Vision Proudly Presents; IN GEHENNA THE WRETCHED WILL BURN!

Time for our weekly jaunt to Cinema Apocalypto for yet another visual feast courtesy of Josef, the campaign's very own Scorsese (or should that be Carter?), Josef has created another storming video montage using selected clips from the episode "Gehenna" and music from Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched. I am sure you will agree the results are awesome as Josef edges ever nearer to his goal of one montage for every episode of the show.

Now there you are, watching the video and wondering why these are so important to us? Youtube is an undeniably powerful way to promote yourself and entertain others in the process. A few minutes, a fun video and one more Millennium fan could very well find out about this campaign who didn't know of it before and this is exactly what is happening since Josef came on board with this fantastic project.

Let's face it, we aren't preaching to the converted, we need as many people as we can muster and that's where you come in. Videos, photographs, letters and emails are important ways of demonstrating the love that exists for Millennium and providing us with the bits and bobs we can use to get the word out there.

So grab that popcorn and settle down for another instalment of Avatar Vision. Don't forget, let Josef know what you think of his efforts in our comments section.

Free podcast! Millennium Group Sessions #6 - Keegan Connor Tracey Interviewed!

BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!

Please download our free podcast to support the campaign and the guests who have graciously contributed their time to the campaign!

download from

To download from ITUNES
  • To subscribe to the Itunes podcast, simply load up the Itunes store on your Itunes application, search for BacktoFrankBlack and wait for the podcast to pop onto the list. Then click "subscribe" - you will need to sign up to a free Itunes account to do this - but Itunes does run a great service for podcasts of all types (including our friends ThaDarkSideVibe and Spooktalkular)

BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions 06 - Omerta Pt 1

In the sixth episode in the Millennium Group Sessions series, Troy and Jim speak to Omerta guest star Keegan Connor Tracey (Battlestar Galactica, Final Destination, Supernatural) and take a deeper look at Omerta. Expect the usual news, updates and informal chat in the first of the two part Omerta special that concludes next week with an interview with actor Jon Polito.

This free podcast is available on a fortnightly basis via ITUNES and We'll naturally update you all on information on the podcast from this blog as well.

With ITUNES, anyone who has an Itunes friendly account will be able to subscribe easily and download the podcasts as they are released. We recommend the ITUNES friendly enhanced podcast because each episode will have its unique set of images to accompany the chatter!

SKIN DEEP! Millennium Fans Get Inked!

Now we know you Millennium fans are devoted individuals, our blog is testament to the energy and passion you guys have for the franchise. Some of you as gone as far as to make Millennium a very permanent part of your lives by enduring the needle in order to leave an indelible part of the show forever on your person.

Jared Place
, one of our many hundreds of supporters and a personal friend and all round fine chap, sent us yet another example of how far you good will people will go to celebrate Millennium.

If there are any more inked fans out there, do get in touch with us, we love seeing these as do the fans and if any of you are at a loss as to how to join the campaign trail and proudly sport a Millennium tattoo of your own, how about sending a photograph of your tattoo to the usual address with a polite call for a Millennium movie.

Till then, keep your letters, photographs, emails and more besides coming. We love to hear from you, whatever the subject but, more importantly, send those letters! Let's bring Frank Black back, now!

RUE MORGUE magazine features BacktoFrankBlack

Check out the latest issue of Rue Morgue Magazine, #91, (follow the link here for more details and how to purchase online). BacktoFrankBlack features in their Dreadline features, to quote, "Movement to revive Chris Carter's Millennium gains online momentum."

The feature carries an interview with yours truly. There is plans in motion to have BacktoFrankBlack highlighted again on the Rue Morgue radio station, hopefully with Lance Henriksen as the guest interview. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears flappy for more news on that event!

Also inside the issue:

When The Blair Witch Project - which was made for around th
e cost of a new Toyota - was released ten years ago, it succeeded beyond all expectations and went on to change the face of horror. Rue Morgue goes back to the woods of Burkittsville with directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez to examine the lasting effects of The Blair Witch Project. Plus: Catching up with Blair Witch star Michael C. Williams, and previews of Myrick's The Objective and Sánchez's Seventh Moon.
by Dave Alexander

Halloween comes ear
ly this season courtesy of October Shadows, a book that collects images inspired by everyone's favourite time of year.
by Jovanka Vuckovic

There was a time when families would have a cast of a loved one's visage made as a funerary memento. Now, one man is reviving the practice for modern mourners.
by W. Brice McVicar

One of the most punishing movies every made just got a lot more brutal with a restored director's cut. Filmmaker Buddy Giovinazzo recalls his struggles making Combat Shock.
by Mitch Davis


As you probably know this is one of most important Blog categories as it's your category. It's the category in which we share all your thoughts, email, photos and more besides and bring it to the attention of each other and, hopefully, the people that matter. Rhonda is one individual who has approached our campaign with gusto, tireless in her support of us, she never ceases to amaze me with her tremendous spirit and evident passion for Millennium and Frank Black.

Like a great many of you, Rhonda kindly supported our campaign by purchasing from our exclusive merchandise range designed by illustrator, Barry Renshaw.

We are always delighted when you are delighted and even more so when you take the time to show us how fine you all look in Barry's creations. It's even more heartening that Rhonda's daughter, Celeste, got in on the act and helped her mother with the photographs, it's so touching to know this campaign has become something of a family affair.

As you can see, it isn't difficult to make a huge impression. A letter here, a Polaroid there and the odd photo or two gives the fans a voice and a face and that's worth infinitely more than any blog post I write, or interview that we do. It is you, the fans, that hold the fate of Millennium in your hands and let's face it, "...we're not prepared to sit back and wait for a happy ending" are we?

So please keep your emails, blog comments, photographs and more coming. We need to mobilise our forces and become Frank's army. Let's fight the good fight till Lance Henriksen gets what he has always wanted, a Millennium Movie.

It would also be amiss if I didn't mention that tomorrow is Rhonda's birthday so I am sure you will join with me and all the team at BackToFrankBlack in wishing her a very happy birthday indeed.

Exclusive! Download our free interview with Millennium composer Mark Snow!

Many of you have already spotted this download or seen the promo on Twitter. We felt we'd give Michael Perry's awesome written interview a day's grace before promoting this fantastic little contribution to the campaign from the wonderful, talented Mark Snow!

Millennium Group Sessions Special 02:
The Sound of Snow

BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!
Please download our free podcast to support the campaign and the guests who have graciously contributed their time to the campaign!

download from
To download from ITUNES
  • To subscribe to the Itunes podcast, simply load up the Itunes store on your Itunes application, search for BacktoFrankBlack and wait for the podcast to pop onto the list. Then click "subscribe" - you will need to sign up to a free Itunes account to do this - but Itunes does run a great service for podcasts of all types (including our friends ThaDarkSideVibe and Spooktalkular)

BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions Special 02 - The Sound of Snow

In this special episode of the Millennium Group Sessions, Troy and Jim are proud and privledged to interview Millennium composer Mark Snow, who takes this opportunity to tell you dear listeners about his life, his work and his deep personal love for Millennium. He would very much like to see Millennium come back!

This free podcast is available on a fortnightly basis via ITUNES and We'll naturally update you all on information on the podcast from this blog as well.

With ITUNES, anyone who has an Itunes friendly account will be able to subscribe easily and download the podcasts as they are released. We recommend the ITUNES friendly enhanced podcast because each episode will have its unique set of images to accompany the chatter!

Avatar Vision Proudly Presents: PILOT IS POWER!

To those who have been following this campaign, Josef has demonstrated his passion for Frank Black, and his eagerness to see the character return, time and time again. Of late, Josef has put his valuable talents to good use creating campaign videos and musical montages that we can use to raise our profile at our Youtube page. Not content with creating the odd video or two, Josef has set himself the lofty ambition of creating a video for every episode of the franchise and that's, well, a lot of videos.

As you can see he is not a man to rest on his laurels and the first fruits of his endeavours can be seen above. A stunning montage, created by selected edits of the Pilot and set to music, I am sure you will agree with me that he has surpassed himself again. And what may seem like mere entertainment is much more than that. Since we uploaded his video to Youtube yesterday I have received a number of subscriptions to the channel, comments on his efforts and and email from a Millennium fan or two that might otherwise not have heard of this campaign. Now that's what I call a contribution.
If you want to join Josef in the cause and create a little something we can use to expand our audience then we want to hear all about it. It need not be something worthy of Hitchcock, merely a heartfelt plea as to why you want Frank back, send it to me and I'll do the rest. Till then, enjoy Josef's incredible creation.

Thirteen Years Later - BTFB Speaks exclusively to Michael R Perry!

Emmy and Edgar award winner Michael R. Perry is one individual I had been very enthusiastic about speaking to since the time this campaign began. Involved in no fewer than forty-five episodes of the franchise, Michael wrote such celebrated entries as "Thirteen Years Later," "Omerta," and "Collateral Damage" and created arguably one of the finest episodes of the entire canon. Fan favourite "The Mikado" has continually polled within the top three episodes of the show for over a decade and has been imitated but never bettered in a slew of formats since the episode aired. Michael took time from his very busy schedule to speak to Back to Frank Black and no one was more delighted than I. I am, and will remain, very much an admirer of his work.

Particular kudos has to be given to Michael for his response to our request for an interview. His words, thoughts and insights make this one of the most enjoyable and fact-filled interviews we have conducted. I am indebted to his warmth, honesty and generosity of spirit.

So, thirteen years later, enjoy the words of one of Millennium's true luminaries, Michael R. Perry.

BACKTOFRANKBLACK: Could you tell us a little about how Millennium came to be on your
curriculum vitae?

MICHAEL R PERRY: In 1996/1997 I was working on the first season of The Practice as well as NYPD Blue (simultaneously -- which you’re not really supposed to do). We Practice writers were housed in a construction trailer across from Chris Carter’s bungalow on the Fox lot. In this rickety trailer were Ed Redlich, Frank Renzulli (who went on to write for The Sopranos), Steve Gaghan (who later wrote the movie Traffic), David Shore (created House MD) and me. David Kelley himself had beautiful offices in a permanent building nearby, but visited us every day. Working two shows (and writing a movie at the same time) entailed a lot of late nights; I met Chris a couple of times when the lot was nearly deserted. I thought: nice guy, hard worker, two record-breaking shows.

David Kelley is so talented and energetic at rewriting that your work is often unrecognizable by the time it reaches the screen. You make a great salary, you work on a beloved, high-profile network show, and you disappear. Not my cup of tea. All the writers except Ed Redlich left The Practice after the first season. I asked my agency to send writing samples to Chris, with hopes of being considered for either of his two shows. I think a crime novel called The Stranger Returns landed me the interview on Millennium, and they hired me in the summer of 1997.

: And how would you rate your work on it in terms of personal satisfaction in comparison to other work you have done since?

MRP: It’s impossible to compare working on Millennium to working on any other show because it was such an astonishing learning experience. Chris Carter makes a point of ensuring that new writers learn how to produce their own scripts. You learn rewriting, casting, working with the various departments like Props, Costumes, Locations, Production Design and so on; work closely with the director; later, you sit in the editing room with the editors and face the consequences of your decisions, after they’ve been irrevocably committed to film, and there’s no one to blame for the problems except yourself -- and it’s up to you to fix them.

Later, perhaps the most fun part, you go over to Mark Snow’s house and he plays all the music cues and solicits feedback. It changed the way I write, the way I think about tel
evision production. That can only happen to you once.

BTFB: You produced twenty-two episodes of Millennium, were executive story producer on twenty-three episodes and wrote five of them. Did you have a particular preference regarding your role on the franchise? Did any give you a greater degree of enjoyment?

MRP: Writing is the engine that pulls all the other titles along behind it. Without the writing, there is no story editing, there is no producing. The titles don’t really correspond to any particular set of duties. My influence on the Morgan-Wong written episodes (when I was “story editor”) was zero, other than the episode I wrote.

BTFB: Millennium fans have often debated the changing face of Millennium over the course of the three seasons, friendly divisions do exist between those that prefer the direction of the first or second season, what is your take on this unique aspect of the franchise?

MRP: I didn't work on the first season -- I was a viewer, only, but loved it so much that I pressed to join the team. Glen and Jim took the second season and ran with it, it was very much their baby, they had a vision, they had the authority to pursue that vision, and they pursued it aggressively. The only script of mine produced that year was a bit of a throwback to season one.

BTFB: "The Mikado" remains a real high point of Millennium, especially in terms of audience appreciation, and a whole slew of similar concepts of been explored in genre movies over the last decade or so. What inspired you to write that particular episode and have you also observed the many formats in which the theme has been explored since?

MRP: In the Pleistocene era of the internet, a young woman decided she would be on camera 24/7, and thus was born Jennicam, the first webcam exhibitionist. I heard about her site and instantly wondered, if Jenni were killed, and no one knew precisely where she was or who she was, who would investigate the crime? The situation raised all kinds of knotty issues about when a spectator becomes an accomplice, the distancing aspects of mediated communication, the difficulty of law to keep pace with technology, and so on. Plus, it was just a straight-up creepy idea. This is so long ago that I repeatedly had to explain to people working on the episode that the internet was not synonymous with America Online. Seriously. We’re talking, a long, long time ago, when most people connected via dial-up lines and modems. It’s been oft-imitated, but the imitators never understand what is interesting about the subject matter.

When a new Mikado knock-off air
s or is released, usually some friend or other will spot it and email me the TV guide listing. I never watch them, and I haven’t seen last year’s movie knock-off. I wrote “The Mikado” twelve years ago. If I were doing a similar story in 2009 it’d be radically different, taking into account all the things that have happened since.

BTFB: A fellow season three writer once proclaimed the difficulty in writing for that particular season, she felt that there was too much emphasis on what not to write, with little guidance on what direction writers should take. Would you concur with that view of things or was your experience very different?

MRP: It wasn’t that unusual. On most shows some amount of uncertainty exists as to what direction to take; that’s why they need writers. I prefer a slightly chaotic atmosphere because you can have a real influence on the strategic decisions, and more variety in storytelling. It’s harder work, though, than being on a more rigid format like a typical procedural where a body shows up in the teaser and a perp is arrested in the final scene.

BTFB: "...Thirteen Years Later" remains a particularly memorable, and offbeat, inclusion to the franchise. Was the involvement of Kiss always a goal when the episode was being devised or is there any truth in the assumption that 20th Century Fox had a hand in shaping that aspect of the episode?

MRP: Fox television said: put Kiss in an episode of Millennium. Then, they said: make it the Halloween episode. This was non-negotiable; I know, because Ken Horton valiantly tried to get them to relent during several loud phone calls. How we got Kiss into Millennium was entirely our own business. At the time I was working on a more typical episode, basically, Frank visits a town where an old case is being made into a movie and sees telltale signs of the crime recurring. Chip and Ken came in to tell me how the episode I was part-way through outlining had to change: mine was the only script that could be ready in time for a Halloween air date. Very quickly, it had to be gutted and rebuilt to accommodate the Kabuki-faced kings of stadium rock.

And, oh, by the way, t
hey had to perform a song. And each of them needed a speaking role, out of make-up. And, the kicker: only two were real actors. It was like one of those games where you pull thirty random words out of a hat and make a poem. The words I pulled were: Halloween, Frank Black, a movie being made of an old murder case, and lots and lots of Kiss.

Everyone around the office groused that there’s no room for Kiss in the Millennium diegesis. In their complaints, I found a creative approach: Frank Black would encounter a film that was an intentional distortion of a real case, and he could be as appalled at the distortions in tone, style, etc. that were in the movie-in-the-episode as my officemates were at the very idea of a Kiss/Halloween episode. A wee bit of deconstruction goes a long way: here was an opportunity to put the usual complaints about our show into the mouths of characters and have Frank Black respond, and defend his honor and world view.

The episode would contain its own critique. Jacques Derrida might have a field day, if he ever “w
atched.” I am a connoisseur of 1970s and 1980s horror movies and decided to pack the episode with references to favorites such as Halloween, Motel Hell, The Hitcher, and so on. Many details of life on B-movie sets came from my wife’s firsthand experiences; for example, it was she who told me that, whenever a nude scene was about to be filmed, producers would “coincidentally” show up on the set to see how things were going. Tacky, funny, and true.

After the outline was published, while I was writing the script, Kay Reindl and/or Erin Maher (I can’t remember which -- Hi, Kay! Hi, Erin!) contributed a favorite detail: have Frank Black watch all these horror movies for the first time, but use his profiling talents to intuit the end of the movie after seeing only one or two scenes. Impossible? Of course. But it’s exactly the kind of boast the insane man who thinks he has become Frank Black would make. It’s a great bit and Lance ran with it. After the first read of this script, Lance had a couple questions -- who wouldn’t? -- but once he bought into the conceptual break with the other episodes he was brilliant and brought many special nuances to his performance.

As I wrote, the piece took on an unexpected vitality of its own. The point of the poetry game -- thirty words out of a hat -- is to reach strange, dark corners of the unconscious mind that might never otherwise surface. Similarly, “Thirteen Years Later” may have begun as an obligatory assignment, but turned into a surprisingly personal and strange exploration of why I love horror movies, the pleasures and pain of low-budget filmmaking, as well as a civil answer to the people who didn’t really “get” our show and wished it were more like Murder She Wrote.

Tom Wright did a phenomenal job with the most physically demanding episode ever, including many, many stunts and a musical number, while still making the schedule.
Many Millennium fans will still hate “Thirteen Years Later” thirteen years later. That’s their privilege.

BTFB: In retrospect, how do you recall your time as part of the Millennium crew?

MRP: It was a great couple of years of hard work and creative challenges.

BTFB: Are there any individuals, or events, that you have particularly fond memories of?

MRP: Yes, Chip Johannessen.

BTFB: I know you have recently been involved in Persons Unknown. Could you tell us a little about that and what fans of your work can keep their eyes open for with regards to your continuing career?

MRP: Persons Unknown is a 13-episode series (so far) concerning the kidnapping of seven people, from seven different places, who never met or knew each other before, and find themselves trapped in a bland yet sinister small town from which they cannot escape. We worked as hard to create memorable, distinctive, unlike-any-other-show stories as we did on Millennium. I cannot reveal too much without breaching confidentiality agreements, but you can get an idea from the trailer, here:

BTFB: Our thanks to you for taking the time to talk to us!

MRP: It's a great honor! It's a pleasure to visit your terrific web site, help with your campaign, and read the thoughtful and insightful commentaries and critiques that you have gathered.


From the very beginning, this campaign has been proud to have had the support and encouragement of Frank Black himself, Lance Henriksen. In the early days of this campaign, he gave of his time to speak to us for an interview and gave further of his time to appear on Fangoria Radio to support and promote us. Despite a punishing work schedule has very generously agreed to give of his time, again, to speak to BackToFrankBlack and we cannot thank him enough for the warmth he has extended to us.
We know you will join with with us and his countless fans in celebrating not only one of the finest actors of his generation but one of the kindness and most supportive gentlemen you could have the pleasure of meeting.

This is the perfect opportunity for you guys to ask Lance all those burning Millennium questions you have always wanted to know the answers to and in addition find out all the latest news and gossip on the possibility of a return for Frank Black. If you want to be in with a chance of posing a question all you have to do is email your submission to and your query could very be well read out during the interview along with your name.

So, get those thinking caps on, strain that grey matter and get those comments and thoughts to us as soon as you can!


Firstly, our kind thanks to all those who have supported this campaign by purchasing one of Barry Renshaw's exclusive designs. We are delighted by the feedback we have received and we are especially grateful to Troy, Rhonda, Josef and others for sharing images of themselves sporting their tees and looking mighty fine in the process, we will continue to share these with you as we receive them.

Barry listened to the feedback and suggestions he received and we can proudly unveil the third wave of designs that he has been busy beavering away on. Inspired by 'Borrowed Time', 'Beware of The Dog' and fan favourite 'The Curse of Frank Black', I am sure you will agree with us that Barry has surpassed himself yet again. Never one to rest on his laurels, a fourth wave of designs are currently on the drawing board including one I am just dying to see. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to which one that is?

Not only has the range of designs increased but the range of apparel has also evolved to include ladies wear, long sleeved tees, heathered ringer tees and vests - absolutely something for everyone.

There's a very serio
us point to Barry's work beyond catering for our wardrobes, every purchase of one his designs provides a small amount of revenue that this campaign can plow back into our efforts. Print adds, press kits and more besides have all been discussed in the past but we simply do not have the funds to undertake some of the things we know this campaign needs. So, help us fight the good fight, make a purchase, support the campaign and wear a little bit of something you love in the process. This is who we are!

To view our store, click here! Click on the images of the tees to open them in a new window and enjoy them in all their glory!

Exclusive competition. Win a signed DVD and Soundtrack!

Brett Hart is an up-and-coming Hollywood director, and an individual any admirer of densely plotted, nail biting narratives, with more than a few twists and turns in them, should pay attention to. Despite Bone Dry being his first feature film, he recently received an honourable nomination by the team in their list of the top five directors of the moment finding his name alongside such industry behemoths as Spielberg, Cronenberg and Scorsese. It is evident from the considerable feedback we have received from industry insiders, published authors and Millennium scribes that this accolade is not only deserved but that 'Hart' will comfortably sit alongside those eminent surnames with similar prominence.

Brett Hart is an individual with a love of the suspense/thriller genre and Bone Dry is his natural stomping ground and is the result of many years of dedication to a singular vision. More importantly Brett is a Millennium aficionado and supporter and friend of Lance Henriksen.

Brett's admiration for Millennium is evident in his work, the attention to detail and richness of his writing and vision is easily comparable to some of Millennium's best offerings and what's more, Bone Dry has been hailed by Lance's considerable body of supporters as the finest movie he has starred in for over a decade.

In his continuing support of us and in recognition of how much he admires Millennium, Brett has come to the assistance of this campaign, yet again, to provide us with an opportunity to spread word of our efforts further than we could on our own. An exclusive competition from a Hollywood director with a brand spanking new video featuring Brett himself, could competitions get any better than this?

Want to know what you have to do to get your hands on a signed copy of Bone Dry and the soundtrack composed by Scott Glasgow? Take it away Brett Hart...

BTFB is proud to be associated with a man of Brett's considerable talent and passion. His support for our campaign is such that when I discussed with him the idea for a video release his response was an enthusiastic 'yes', taking time from his relentless schedule to shoot, mix and edit the video simply to help the Millennium cause. So get those competition entries in, you simply have to see Bone Dry if you fancy an evening's entertainment that wows with its spectacular settings and chilling plot.

Please note this competition is now closed. Many thanks to all those who took the time to enter and who expressed support for Brett and his work in the process and, of course, many congratulations to the winner!

To read BTFB's exclusive interview with Brett Hart, view the first part here and the concluding instalment here!

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