As you probably know this is one of most important Blog categories as it's your category. It's the category in which we share all your thoughts, email, photos and more besides and bring it to the attention of each other and, hopefully, the people that matter. Rhonda is one individual who has approached our campaign with gusto, tireless in her support of us, she never ceases to amaze me with her tremendous spirit and evident passion for Millennium and Frank Black.
Like a great many of you, Rhonda kindly supported our campaign by purchasing from our exclusive merchandise range designed by illustrator, Barry Renshaw.
We are always delighted when you are delighted and even more so when you take the time to show us how fine you all look in Barry's creations. It's even more heartening that Rhonda's daughter, Celeste, got in on the act and helped her mother with the photographs, it's so touching to know this campaign has become something of a family affair. As you can see, it isn't difficult to make a huge impression. A letter here, a Polaroid there and the odd photo or two gives the fans a voice and a face and that's worth infinitely more than any blog post I write, or interview that we do. It is you, the fans, that hold the fate of Millennium in your hands and let's face it, "...we're not prepared to sit back and wait for a happy ending" are we?
So please keep your emails, blog comments, photographs and more coming. We need to mobilise our forces and become Frank's army. Let's fight the good fight till Lance Henriksen gets what he has always wanted, a Millennium Movie.