"Bill & Ted 3" Is Finally In Development!

Bill & Ted's third adventure is finally gonna happen. Wish the Ghostbusters would hurry the fuck up with theirs. Anyway, Alex Winters finally confirmed it on MTV earlies this evening. He explained that screenwriters from the original film, Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson have finally came up with a pretty excellent idea. Though there has been no word on wether Keanu Reeves will return, but Winters is. But I'm sure Reeves will seeing as he said that he wants to, but still, you never know.
The film is reportedly to be set round about 20 years after the the first two films, 1989's "Excellent Adventure" and 1991's "Bogus Adventure". So we'll see Bill & Ted rocking it out in their mid to late 40's. I guess that could work, I mean look at AC/DC and they're in their 60's and 70's (i think 70's), anyway they're old and still rocking out, plus this is a film.

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