From Scarlett To Black.....Widow That Is!

Yes, Scarlett Johansson has announced that she is getting back into that black suit for a "Black Widow" spin-off, though Marvel's Kevin Feige did announce also that "The Avengers" comes first. Johansson had already began discussions on the spin-off during the filming of "Iron Man II". Now lets just hope that this female spin-off is much better than "Daredevil" spin-off, "Electra".
"Black Widow" film will mark the third film that Johansson appears as the sexy Black Widow. The First being, "IM-II" and second being, well duh, "The Avengers" in 2012.
Johansson will also make an appearence in the upcoming "Nick Fury" spin-off film, which will also happen after "The Avengers.

Sorry about the cheesy title, just couldn't resist it! Honest

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