Edgar Frog Talks "Lost Boys 4" Possibilities

Movieweb.com was chating with "Lost Boys" actor, Corey Feldman on the possiblities of the Frog Brothers joining forces again for a "Lost Boys 4". And basically what he said is that there are plans for a second trilogy (Lost Boys 4, 5&6), but really it's up to us wether we enjoy the third film "The Thirst".
The second film, "The Tribe" didn't do well with critics, but did do well with fans and sales, hence the release of number 3. This film and any future film will go down the exact same way.
There are rumors that if there is a fourth film, it would possibly get a theatrical release. Not over here in the UK, but most likely just in the US. It'll just be direct-to-DVD for us.

"Lost Boys III: The Tribe" is released on DVD on October 5th (in the US) and October 18th for us and any other places outside the US probably.

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