'SPIRITED' 1.1 - "The Man Who Fell To Earth"

Over at Obsessed With Film, check out my pilot review of Australian supernatural drama SPIRITED, about an uptight dentist who splits from her domineering husband and moves into a luxury penthouse haunted by a British ghost (played by Peep Show's Matt King)...

"There's a beautifully simple and engaging premise to Australian supernatural drama Spirited, but it’s one that unfortunately proves to be the only saving grace of a soporific and plodding pilot. Maybe it's partly due to the style of programming Down Under (I haven't seen enough, beyond soaps, to make a considered judgement), but Spirited felt rather uneasy, cheap and meandering for frequent periods. But the most disappointing thing was an intentionally listless performance from co-creator/actress Claudia Karvan, who failed to deliver much of a reason to care about her character..." Continue reading...
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