Toby Whithouse teases Being Human's return
Toby Whithouse, the creator of Being Human, has spoken to SFX Magazine about the currently filming third series, dropping the following titbits about what fans can expect:
"There are some new werewolves. There are some new vampires. And there's a something else. For years I've heard people saying to me, 'You should put a witch/zombie/demon/banshee/warlock/goblin/fairy/pixie/angel in your show'. I think they've got Being Human mixed up with Dungeons and f**king Dragons. Anyway, I've always secretly planned to pop one of them into an episode and it finally happens in season three."
"We've got our familiar much loved cast back, as well as some jaw-droppingly pant-wettingly exciting casting for a couple of guest characters. Proof of the success of the show became apparent in the casting sessions, when well-known actors -- the level of actor way out of our league on series 1 and even series 2 -- would come in and say 'I've never seen the show, but my teenage son is a huge fan and he’d think this would be so cool if I was in it.' That should be our motto. 'Being Human: we make middle-aged men look cool.'"
"We discover that the vampires have been doing something secret and staggeringly cruel to werewolves for decades. Three have become four now, and in the next season they briefly become five. And as I might have said before: in season one, the threat was supernatural. In season two, the threat was human. In season three, the threat comes from within. Anyway. It’ll hit your screens in January, I think. Enjoy."