24, 8.17 - "8:00AM - 9:00AM"

WRITER: David Fury[SPOILERS] We're given a sense of where 24's headed in its eight remaining episodes here, but it remains to be seen if the writers manage to make it all work. Unpredictability is a valuable commodity in 24, so it's at least nice to be engaged with a story because it doesn't feel so slotted on rails.
DIRECTOR: Milan Cheylov
GUEST CAST: Gregory Itzin, John Boyd, Bob Gunton, Nazneen Contractor, Reed Diamond, Mido Hamada, Frank John Hughes, Graham McTavish, Necar Zadegan, Joel Bissonnette, Navid Negahban & Sarah Hollis
To briefly recap: Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) and Renee (Annie Wersching) left the scene of President Hassan's murder, disappointed that they failed to save his life; President Taylor (Cherry Jones) prepared to watch her peace treaty fail, but was given a lifeline when it's suggested that Hassan's wife Dalia (Necar Zadegan) take her husband's place in government; Novakovich (Graham McTavish) made it clear Russia won't sign the treaty without Hassan, forcing Taylor to listen to a plan from disgraced former-President Charles Logan (Gregory Itzin), who believes he can get the Russians cooperating; Hastings (Mykelti Williamson) was relieved of duty over recent failures and Chloe (Mary Lyn Rajskub) became his interim replacement; the injured Samir (Mido Hamada) died before CTU could question him, having been drugged by an undercover Russian called Pavel (Joel Bissonnette) who is tying up loose-ends for his bosses; and soon after Jack and Renee finished making love back at his apartment, Renee was shot by Pavel from a rooftop vantage point and later died from her injuries at a hospital...
This was very much another turning point of Day 8, as seasons tends to develop in waves of four, making this the fifth "act" of six. Away from chasing nuclear materials and rescuing a dignitary's life, things take a more politicized path with Taylor and the Russians, while also bringing back one of the best 24 arch-villains in Charles Logan from the Emmy-winning season 5. I'm not sure if either will totally revitalize the show as it races towards its season/series finale, but it's at least good fun to see Logan back -- who apparently survived that stabbing in season 6. Previously used as a Nixon proxy, I also found it amusing how he apologized to Taylor for his criminal past in the manner of the infamous Frost/Nixon interview. And no, I don't think his intentions are as honourable as he's making out -- do you?
It was also an interesting episode in that Jack was sidelined for reasons of a very personal nature, getting to roll around in bed with Renee. The best way to unwind after a tough day, I agree. To my recollection, this the first time we've ever seen Jack having sex -- isn't it? If so, I'm glad the producers managed to tick that box before 24 went off-air, but I couldn't help feeling frustrated they've never gave Jack some bedroom scenes before now. He suddenly felt like less of an angst-ridden "action golem" and more like a real human being. Although his character paid the price for daring to seek comfort with a woman, as who else but Jack Bauer would come under threat from a sniper after sleeping with someone?
And yes, unexpectedly given last week's major death, it was a surprise to see Renee die of her gunshot wounds after Jack delivered her to hospital, ushering in the second "silent clock" ending in a row. Considering my appreciation of Renee as a character (the only truly plausible "female Jack" 24 has given us, and far more interesting than his other girlfriends), Renee's death didn't land much impact, curiously. I was just surprised the writers decided to kill Renee in this way, too, as I think she deserved to go out fighting or sacrificing herself for someone/something. Either way, Renee's death is certainly a good way to ignite Jack's fury and get him involved in avenging her death. It feels like a very long time since Jack had a compelling and believably personal reason to be involved in a mission (arguably since the early years when his wife and daughter used to get in trouble), so in that sense killing Renee was a wise move for the final episodes. It's just unfortunate that such a strong female character had to die purely to invigorate Jack.
25 APRIL 2010: SKY1/HD, 9PM