Review renovation

After giving it some thought, I've decided to halt my reviews of Damages and FlashForward. I have too much on my plate right now, so I'm struggling to find time to write about them. The reason I've chosen to end reviews of those shows is because they get the least feedback and (in FlashForward's case) I've grown tired of writing about it. I'll continue to watch both, so if there's a particularly startling episode I'll probably post something, and FlashForward's finale will definitely be reviewed... but weekly reviews will cease with immediate effect.

Taking another look at my sidebar's "On The Box" grid of the TV I'm reviewing weekly, there's still an awful lot to get through! It's therefore possible I'll have to drop more shows in the coming weeks, or at least reduce some of the less popular reviews to brief recaps and thoughts.

The only shows that are 100% safe, because I enjoy tackling them, are: Breaking Bad, Chuck, Glee, Doctor Who, Lost and Mad Men. The ones most at risk are: Fringe and Human Target. The ones I'm undecided about are: Ashes To Ashes, The Pacific and V, where continuation will depend on reader response, or more time becoming available to me.

If you have any guidance to offer (which reviews do you read, which don't you care about?) feel free to let me know. It'll help me decide; particularly regarding the appetite for Fringe, Human Target, Ashes To Ashes, The Pacific and V reviews.

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