In the last year, we met two British clerics in different series but both played by Richard Wilson. There was Brother Bernard as seen in the 'New Tricks' episode "The War On Drugs"; and there was Father Simeon who appeared in "The Whole Enchilada" and "Nothing Like Nebraska", two episodes of 'Demons'.


Brother Bernard joined an order which has dedicated itself to helping their fellow man find a cure for whatever their addictions may be. He has risen in the order to the point where he is in charge of a seminary-like clinic in London. It is there that he sought to help Brian Lane of UCOS to find his way back from his need for alchohol.
Father Simeon chose to follow a darker path. He immersed himself into the study of arcane lore in the hopes that he could defeat the half-lifes that plague Mankind.
Father Simeon liked for others, especially Luke Rutherford the so-called "last of the Van Helsings", to think that he was centuries old. Truth was, Father Simeon was a half-life himself. He had died a few years before* and was able to use the dark arts to keep himself "alive" in a zombie state. Whether or not his twin Brother Bernard knew about this, there's no evidence in that episode of 'New Tricks'. It wasn't relevant to the case at hand for UCOS.
*I don't think Father Simeon could have been "un-dead" for more than a decade. When Luke and Ruby found his body in the final episode of the series (having been "killed" by Gladiolus Thripp), there wasn't much evidence of corporeal corruption. Well, there were the flies that emanated from his mouth, but they could have been part of the spell that kept him "alive" and were now freed from their bondage.

As for other characters played by Richard Wilson, I don't think Dr. Constantine was a "playuh". We should instead invoke the Toobworld principle of "Identical Cousins".
And with regards to Gaius, the mentor for young 'Merlin', he's in an alternate TV dimension and would play no part in the ancestry of all these other men.