Avatar Vision now broadcasting A PLEA 4 POLAROIDS!
We have been incredibly lucky as a campaign to have had the chance to chat to some of you fine folk and make your acquaintance along the way as we merrily call for the return of Frank Black. Josef has been a solid friend to this campaign, sharing his thoughts, his photographs and healthy doses of his humour which have kept we busy people sane on occasion, don't be dark indeed!
We recently spotlighted his efforts on behalf in sending a Polaroid to the powers that be and he has gone further in videoing a call to arms in the hope that you good people will follow his lead. We hope this inspires you to do the same and remember, we relish every opportunity to chat to you all, send us your emails, photographs and videos and display, in as loud a voice a possible, that the fans are here, we are unified in their goal and we are not going away. This is who we are!
As well as being a campaigner par excellence, Josef is an electropop wizard, creating his own stellar compositions which he has garnered considerable praise for, in fact, the Millennial Drums and the musical track accompanying this video are his own creations. To check out his music and a little more about the man himself, visit his Myspace profile and add him as a friend. If you scratch our back we'll scratch yours, that's what being a Millennium Fan is all about!