Millennium is not known, shall we say, for its liberal use of comedy but we aficionados know better. Millennium had some acutely funny moments amongst its canon, not least in the masterpieces that are, 'Somehow Satan Got Behind Me' and 'Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense', courtesy of the genius, and I do mean genius, that is Darin Morgan.

Never ones to rest on our laurels the team at www.backtofrankblack.com are busy working on our next podcast before episode three has even been unveiled to the masses and we are devoting our attention to the very episodes mentioned above. With a guest from the cast of Millennium, an exclusive giveaway and more besides we hope to bring this fun filled spectacular to you in the future, until then, Frank Black needs you!

We want to know what you think the funniest lines in Millennium are, no need to wonder after mine, you can see them above. Rack those brains, watch those episodes and send us the moments that made you laugh and see all the submissions we receive feature in a special Blog entry we have lined up to coincide with the podcast. Easy really. Leave us a comment here at the blog or send us your thoughts to info@backtofrankblack.com.

Can't wait to see what you send us, till then, how many Frank Black's does it take to change a light bulb?

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